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I think this one turned out rather nice.

Let me know what you think. What's your opinion on Choco Honoka? :)  

If anyone wants the angles as separate videos leave a comment.

Edit: added separate angles. 

~Hope you will enjoy!




Sorry to say it, but I'm not a big fan of this one. The first person camera shake is a bit to much imo. The way her neck connects to her shoulders in the back angle looks like she is pulling her shoulders way back for no reason. The whole head movement looks kinda off to me, also for that one I can't quite put my finger on why. But I feel like most of my issues with this one just come down to the model. The way parts of her ass are completely static right next to parts being super bouncy during the side angle, the way her right hand clips a bit into her arm at the wrist, the way her thigh clips into her hips during the side angle, The way her underboos stretch forward while her boobs stay completely static while moving back and forth also looks strange to me. Also how static her hair looks during the whole thing. But hey, I really like how shiny her skin looks. Also, I'm a super laymen when it comes to animating, so take anything I say with a grain of salt. I hope this doesn't get you down, I generally like your other works. Keep it up.