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Making this a public post, and it's a big one. I've chatted a bit about this, but I figure putting it where new prospects can see it would be ideal. So here goes, my year one plan.

I've publicly published 4 stories in the Menagerie at this point, with about 20 days between each upload. Each have been average 12000 words, so in about 60 days I've written 48000 words, not including side projects and WIPs. I would like to keep this pace for the Menagerie series for year one, which means that my goal by the end of year 1 is going to be to have 19 stories publically published for the Menagerie series. Between those there will also be about 9 Moxie's Mods entries, which will of course be Patreon only, as well as 3 longer works building on the Magical Menagerie world and the three main staff members, Materia, Kasumi, and Zyanya, in their own worlds. And that's all not including any commission works.

These 19 stories will be publically released every 20 days, but they will recieve a Patreon release the day they're finished. I'd like to persistently stay 1 or 2 stories ahead at all times, meaning in addition to the Patreon only content, Patrons should also generally have 2 early access stories at any given time. I am currently behind this goal (as I spent an extra month waiting for assets to open the Patreon and not writing a new story in that time), but I hope to within the next two weeks be at that goal to keep this promise and pace.

After year one, I'm not sure what my plans will be. After 19 entries the Menagerie may have overstayed its welcome. I think at that point I might like to collect all 19 stories, with the 3 staff member pieces, into one piece. Give them a proper editing run and maybe sell them as a first book. I'd like Moxie's Mods to keep going past year one, maybe with a reset button to start her over when there are more Patrons to do voting. Any reset would see me collect all one iteration of changes into a single work of course for easy reading.

Other goals however for year one: I'd like to participate in Fenoxo's writing competitions for TiTS, hopefully make a work good enough to see publication in the game. I also want to do NaNoWriMo as either half priced commissions or one big work, though that is a significantly more time consuming venture (and would insist on a doubling, or even tripling of my current pace, which may be tricky if I'm not 3-4 stories ahead going into October). I want to get a proper PC to write on. As good a horse as my tablet has been, she burnt out a memory card and I need to at least replace that.

So it's a rough plan, that will take a lot of my time away from other projects. It will though direct the future of me as an erotic writer. If I fail to meet my goals, but can gather enough of an audience through Patreon, I will of course keep going. If I meet my year one writing goals, but lack the Patreon support, I will likely have to shut down the Patreon to focus instead on career goals in a different field (I can't devote 1 hour/day to writing if I end up going back to school for college courses, life will have to come first). If I fail to meet my Patreon goals, but can get consistent enough commissions, I will keep going on the writing goals as a Patreon exclusive thing (as well as add to my ToS for commissions that previews will be shared with Patreon). If I meet my goals on all fronts... Well that's the optimistic route, and I'll set a year two plan as a full time writer. Hopefully with either a faster pace or higher quality work. Or both.

- Madam Materia


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