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"Play around with new takes on existing 5E races! Humans are always being dragged into nonsense, and fairies were always meant to be Tiny!"


  • Adaptive Human (Species)

  • Seasonal Fairy (Species)

  • Tiny Characters (Rule)

  • Tiny Items (Rule)

  • Cirno's Perfect Freeze (Reprinted Spell)




really fun, love it. i really want to play a fairy now lol... as long as i don't become a mary sue...

Patrick lowe

I do have some thoughts on this, but first a couple questions: first is strength altered as being lower with regard to encumbrance, lifting and carrying. I get the idea that a fairy barbarian should be strong to a point but it also seems wrong to let a tiny creature carry 150lb of stuff. Question two is with regard to tiny weapons: Is there damage the same? the tiny rules say you do the same damage, but that relys on the weapon's having the same damage dice. Generally in D&D large weapons get an extra dice of damage (The 5e oni is a good example of this, it's glaive does 2d10 damage in large form, and 1d10 in medium) and tiny weapons do less, typically 1 damage. The Sprites 1 damage longsword and short bow are examples. So if a Seasonal Fairy starts the game with a tiny long sword: does it do the normal 1d8/1d10?, or 1 like every other tiny creature?


the Size of your character naturally impacts your carrying capacity, so new rules weren't needed to explain that. As for tiny weapons, it's explained in its own section in the pack. Your tiny attacks and weapon damage aren't hindered by your size due to special training. Creatures that don't have adventurer training don't get this luxury!