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Ciel couldn't restrain her bloated belches any longer, as Zero's mechanical fingers nimbly kneaded her doughy midsection.  It was like he knew every button to push to make her moan, groan, and burp like a woman of far less dignity..!  And yet she couldn't help but lean into it!

She wasn't sure when it became apparent to her that her object of affection was into larger women.  Maybe it was when --  after years of peace brought forth by his own hands --  Ciel's midsection began to curve outwards and her figure grew padded, or maybe it was only more recently when he'd actively started to linger during her meals.

Whenever he'd STARTED paying attention was irrelevant, though.  What Ciel cared about more was the fact that Zero had begun to openly express his appreciation of her figure, and more than that he'd seemed keen to help her add to it!  Never had she felt as bloated as the day when Zero firmly insisted he would be supervising her meal (and supervise he did, making sure she ate every last bite he told her to).

With Zero doting over growth so heavily, Ciel's gain had gone from a dozen pounds every month or two, straight up to a dozen a WEEK!  Gone was the era where she could wear an outfit for more than a month before outgrowing it;  even now, she felt her clothes stretched to their utter limit just in a feeble attempt to contain her!

As she let out another hearty belch, Ciel could only wonder one thing:  How long did she have until her mobility came into question, and could she develop something in time to counteract it?

The REAL question she SHOULD have asked, though, was if Zero would LET her...




Already worried about immobility, damn she’s got the bug baaaaad. Best of luck on her journey!