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Flux Woman let out a huff of frustration as her mechanical body wobbled and jiggled in a way that was anything but mechanical.  Her hands sunk into the plush padding of her hips, her armor and straps digging into the thick gel that sat beneath her bodysuit.  It certainly looked nice, if you were into bloated bimbos, but the Megaman fighter certainly wasn't.

"What function does this even serve?"  She hissed, listening to the dull creaking of her chestplate as her bloated balloon tits fought for freedom ---  they swore up and down that those were for impact absorption, but with their warning that they were "several times the size of her chestplate" she had a feeling that wasn't quite the case.

'Talk about stupid, pointless upgrades...'  She gave her gut a smack, unable to see it beyond her armored chest but able to feel it ripple and wobble.  A peculiar feeling, but yet not all too unwelcome...

...Maybe there was some justification for this.  Time would tell, she concluded.



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