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Gwen groaned in exasperation as the symbiote pressed and squeezed her copious quantities of flab, hundreds of pounds of blubber being compressed into an uncomfortably small space.  The living suit stretched and strained as much as it could to preserve the blonde's dignity, but all it took was a single disturbance for it to all come tumbling down.


Gwen's form billowed out to its proper and full size in an instant.  The symbiote could never hope to keep up, holes forming and stretching across her frame while the goop tried fruitlessly to keep it all in.

"Oh, come on..."  Gwen hissed in a hushed tone;  she was right in the middle of working here!  "I knew I was getting a bit hefty, but now you can't even cover me anymore?"

"Hey, did you hear that?"  An underpaid and overworked goon of Kingpin called out to his comrade.

"Yeah, I think it came from behind those boxes!"  The other one called back.

"$#!#-"  Gwen swore under her breath, willing the symbiote to prioritize her face over anything else.  "Maybe I really should get on a diet..."


It seems like Gwen's finally grown too big for her symbiotic partner to handle her girth!  Hopefully they can solve this solution, or else Gwen might just have to consider going back to (very stretchy!) spandex...



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