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Jolyne encounters a very strange enemy stand, and unfortunately for her it seems keen to keep her tightly held within its grasp until she's far too large to do anything about it!


「Baby It's Cold Outside」

The stand can convert any reasonably-sized room into a warm and inviting realm with endless food and alcoholic drinks. Meanwhile, it saps all of the heat from surrounding areas to make it seem all the more inviting. 

Those who enter the room feel a slight compulsion to remain, and a draw towards the food and drink. Those who remainin the room for longer period of time will feel this compulsion grow, as a creeping coldness builds up inside that can only be soothed by the combination of the warm room and the food within. 

Drinking the alcoholic beverages of course lowers inhibition, which makes those affected by the stand even more likely to continue eating and drinking rather than seek escape. 

As time passes, the afflicated individuals will have to eat more and more to fight the creeping cold within, resulting in an increased state of bloat and weight gain over time.




That is an incredible Stand and a wonderfully fat Jolyne!