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With every surge of goo into their bodies, they felt just a little heavier.  A little fuller.  A little tighter.  Videl struggled against the confines of the goo that wrapped tightly around her arms, fighting for purchase and trying to free herself...  but Bulma?  She simply enjoyed it, going limp and allowing the goo to ravage her body and turn her into a blimp with ease.

When Bulma started trying to replicate Buu's majin goo, everyone assumed it was for altruistic reasons.  After all, they'd heard how easily Buu could heal people.  Maybe they assumed it was to strengthen the Z-Fighters, giving them an unnatural edge as mindless go was melded with their bodies...

That was what Videl thought, when Bulma invited her over for limit testing.  She'd even gotten dressed in her tracksuit, figuring that --  on the off-chance she was either being injected with the goo or fighting a goo-injected Bulma --  it'd be better not to ruin her normal clothes.

But...  this?  She could still vividly feel the shock as the goop plunged into her, that first surge that caused her trim belly to bulge outwards.  Somehow that felt so long ago though, as she grew heavier and fuller, the invasive goo filling not only her belly but somehow seeping through all of her.

She wanted to say she hated it, to say that this was wrong or bad, that she was scared of how it would impact her mobility or how she could fight...  but as the goo surged once more, and her body bloated out rapidly, she felt something far more perverted emerging from the deepest parts of her mind.  Something depraved and lustful...

And, for all her misgivings, that part of her wanted more.


Bulma invited Videl over to help her test her latest innovations in replicating Buu's goo-like body!  But Videl didn't expect this when Bulma said they'd be doing "limit testing"...
