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Eve struggled to walk normally, her wide hips swaying out in an exaggerated manner suitable for her newly-shortened frame.  Her tits wobbled and bounced aggressively, sporting so much mass that she wondered if that's where much of the weight she lost in her shrunkenness went.

Neither she or Karina knew exactly what had made her so short all of a sudden, nor were they certain why it didn't reflect in her data values.  Try as she might to adjust her height, her values would simply default and she'd compress back into her "shortstack form", as Karina was lovingly calling it.

Sure it wasn't too bad, what with her ability to fly and telekinesis ---  she could still perform all and any tasks effectively as effortlessly as ever!  It was the social side, though!  Part of her cover as a mortal was her office job, and she was very uncertain how she'd explain her compression to them when she herself didn't understand it..!

"I'm just glad I didn't get any shorter..."  Eve muttered as she approached the office door.  Oddly enough though, it felt like her hips were swaying further, her tits were bouncing harder, and each step was moving her less.  It was only when her arms and legs had shortened appreciably more that she realized she was in fact, now getting EVEN shorter.

"...Why do I speak."  She muttered disdainfully, as she questioned if she'd be more than two heads tall by the end of all of this.


Redraw of a somewhat old sketch, I'm pretty content with how the new one turned out.  Plus, Eve got a design overhaul between then and now and it was fun practice for the new look!



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