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Pearl's stomach sloshed loudly as she shifted in bed, the contents of her last meal (or binge, if she was being accurate) disturbed by the movement of her hefty frame.  She was full, or she should be ---  because despite just how much food she'd crammed into her greedy maw an hour ago she felt ravenously hungry.

Lavendar's pure enabler behavior certainly wasn't helping her self-control, though Pearl could easily surmise that such a thing was exactly their plan.  After all, it was their pampering and constant meals (and requests to taste test for them, despite Pearl's expressed distaste for human food!) that led to her cracking and becoming such a glutton.

Getting out of bed on her own was possible still, sure, but as she held out her flabby hands for Lavendar to help hoist her up, she questioned how necessary it was.  After all, with the hybrid around to take care of her mobility woes, wouldn't it be far easier to just indulge and live a little?

Her gurgling, growling stomach seconded the sentiment, and Pearl found her concerns with her appetite fading into the background beneath the noises of her rumbling belly...


On the more self-indulgent side of my art, I decided to draw my gemsona and a very big, pampered Pearl.  How they got to this point is hard to surmise, but whatever the case it seems like they're both enjoying themselves!



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