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Gwen hiccuped, an uncontrollable belch barreling out of her with all the force of a gunshot.  Her stomach sloshed and churned with the several dozen burgers that digested within, belly bubbling and gurgling as it desperately tried to digest the caloric bomb so laden with cholesterol that it was a miracle she hadn't been plunged into a permanent food coma yet.

Her suit clung to her flabby frame, sweat making the already-tight fabric stick to her in uncomfortable ways.  If that wasn't bad enough, it was making the suit transluscent in her more...  generous areas.  She tried to find it in herself to be irritated, but overwhelming hunger forced her to prioritize cramming another red-bunned burger down her throat.

This whole 'Spider-Verse Burger' thing was a helluva deal.  She just has to endorse the product, do some ads, and be seen eating it in public!  Not just that, but every single burger is totally comped!  At first, she'd eat one or two a week just to keep up her end of the bargain and get the under-the-table paycheck, but when Gwen realized how much money she could save just by using this source of free food, she was a bit embarrassed to say she dove in headfirst.

The first couple months had only slightly padded her frame, and yet somehow in the four months after she started wholeheartedly binging and glutting herself her lithe, athletic frame had billowed into something almost unrecognizable.  Looking at herself in her costume gave her orca whale vibes more than a spider these days...

Sure, she could move around just fine (what good would super-strength be if it gave out so quick?), but she'd be damned if it wasn't painfully hot under all that fat, and her costume left so little to the imagination that she was shocked the cops weren't going after her for public indecency!

Gwen wanted to lament the chain of events that landed her in this position, she knew she should.  Yet, as she belched loudly enough to shake the entire restaurant, and crammed another burger down her gullet in one massive bite, she couldn't help but be lulled into the health hazard of a meal that she'd amassed for herself...

She could stress the fine details later.  Right now?  She needed to gorge until she didn't feel hungry anymore.



Griffin Burgers

Another spectacular Gwen piece! Love the before and after shots, shows how much of a glutton she's become for the burgers. Love her unmasked mouth, adds wonderful detail❤🥰