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Chun Li's stomach gurgled angrily, the meager portion of breakfast from an hour ago nowhere near enough to tide her over until her next meal.  She knew she needed to take it easy on eating if she ever wanted to shed some points, but not even halfway to lunchtime she felt ready to keel over from hunger!

It didn't take long for her to end up at her go-to place for impromptu snacks:  the local Dango stand.  Was it the healthiest option, not really.  But it was insanely cheap and satisfying!  Chun li decided, as she'd done for the past several weeks straight, that she could afford to put off the start of her diet by just one more day...

Of course, she couldn't begin to understand why her weight had only begun to rise FASTER since she started frequenting this stand.  The two could never be related, surely..!


Chun Li's weight has been on quite the steady rise lately, and it has her stumped!  Surely it couldn't be at all related to how often she visits the local dango stand...  could it?



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