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‘How did I get myself into this…’

Videl could barely hear herself speak over the symphony of noise around her.  Cheers and exclamations of awe combined with the noises of voracious eating to create some very odd white noise.
 She found herself sitting across from Vegeta at a long outdoor table, friends cheering her and Vegeta on as they reached the third round of their shockingly tense eating contest.  Somehow, she was keeping pace with the Saiyan prince..!

She’d gotten into this mess after Vegeta took a jab at her size, reflexively firing back that he was just jealous she’d gotten better than him at something Saiyans were born to do.  One thing led to another, with neither party willing to back down once they’d dug their heels in.
 So, a challenge was made.  If Vegeta could eat more than Videl, she’d have to be his personal punching bag for the next few months since “all that lard would make perfect impact resistance”.  If she won, however, Vegeta would have to be her personal chef for a week.

Now, a few rounds in, she was struggling.  Her snug shirt did little to hide her gut anymore, the grumbling gurgling mass hanging out beneath the table as she shoveled food into her awaiting gullet.
 Her stomach was beyond full, holding more food tightly packed within than ever before, but she wasn’t about to yield!  It looked like Vegeta was actually starting to slow down, and Videl just knew if she could hold on for a little longer then she had a chance..!

Their third round ended, with Videl struggling to breathe between labored belches and hiccups.  Vegeta looked a bit tense and sweat was beading on his forehead, but a cocky smirk still graced the short Saiyan’s face.

“What’s the matter, girl?”  Vegeta gave her gut a light kick beneath the table, forcing a considerable belch out of the Videl.  “Running out of room in that yoga ball you call a stomach?”

“Mmfuh… hUUOOOOAARP-  got-  got-  BUUUWEEELCH-  plenty of room left…  how bout- OOUUUARP-  you..?”  Videl groaned lowly;  she was bullshitting and they both knew it.  But, as their respective plates were set before them, once more piled high with rice balls, they began anew.

Each rice ball was harder to get down than the last, and she could tell by the shift in the crowd that she was starting to fall behind.  Her stomach was barely giving at all now, gurgling louder and groaning under the stress…
 But, like a switch flipped in her head, she suddenly felt everything around her fade.  The chains that held her back –  the pressure of the audience, the tightness of her gut, the fear of losing –  all fell away, and only the intense euphoria that came with being so full remained.

She ate, faster and faster, catching up and outpacing Vegeta.  Shocking everyone with a second wind like no other as she tore through the rice balls that remained.  She didn’t stop when Vegeta gave up, she didn’t stop when her distended gut began to be tickled by the grass beneath it, and she didn’t stop when she was fighting against her own belches to swallow.
 Videl stopped when her plate was empty, and she was declared the winner.

Cheers erupted around them, and Gohan’s voice was prominent among the crowd.  That wasn’t what shocked her though;  it was Vegeta, making his way around the table and holding a reluctant hand out to her.

“Even I’ll admit…”  Vegeta’s tone was short, and it felt like he was struggling to get the words out.  “...That was impressive.”  Videl took his hand, struggling to move from her spot even with his help.
 “Disgusting and an affront to your race, but impressive.”  Vegeta took a certain pleasure in the flash of hurt and embarrassment that his comment put on Videl’s face, but it quickly disappeared as she smirked up at him.

“Make- HuUUUOORP-  all the jokes you wa-BUUUWELCH-nt, but make them- BEEEEELCH- when your week of servitude is- UUUURP- over~”  Vegeta let go of Videl’s hand once the raven-haired woman was standing atop wobbly legs, her engorged gut hanging shockingly low with all the food packed into it.

“Bah, just try not to get used to the cooking of a Saiyan elite over the next week, girl.”  Vegeta gave her one last once over, a morbid sense of curiosity and respect sitting in his mind as he took in her bloated state.
 “Get yourself to the guest room before your legs give out and you embarrass yourself more.”

Videl chuckled weakly, biting back a massive belch that fought to escape.  “Aw, you do care…”

That night, Videl learned that she had no idea what a food coma really was until now.  Over the following week, however…  She showed Vegeta that he had no idea what real hunger was like.


Next time: || Chapter 11:  Diminishing Returns


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