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It wasn’t apparent just how effective Videl’s countermeasures against her steady gain were until she stopped them altogether, and started encouraging her weight to rise.  Where a few dozen pounds accumulated over the span of several months before, the same amount of weight was building on her petite frame in a fraction of the time.

Her wardrobe was thinning as her plump frame finally began to exceed the limits of some of her tighter outfits, even her stretchiest spandex becoming littered with holes after only a few days of stretching and use.
 Her bras overflowed with breasts that seemed keen to balloon now, and her panties were being sucked into the crack of an increasingly full rear end.
 Videl effectively revamped her wardrobe in the coming weeks, replacing her underwear with larger alternatives while purchasing a lot of cheaper, disposable outfits for her outerwear.  Tank tops and T-shirts, plenty of sweatpants and generic jeans, as well as stretchy hoodies made up the majority of the sporty girl’s wardrobe now, in her pursuit to keep up with her burgeoning blubber.

Videl didn’t mind her more basic outfits though, nor did she mind the way many of them hugged snugly to or even accentuated the added mass she sported.  She was too busy finally indulging and enjoying it.
 Chi-Chi went from being a doting and encouraging presence at the dinner table to shocked and somewhat impressed at Videl’s growing stomach capacity, often underestimating how much the girl could eat before piling her plate high with seconds that’d just barely fill her to the brim.

Gohan’s admiration of her fuller figure didn’t waver either, and that was how the two found out the half-Saiyan man actually had a bit of a preference for huskier girls;  maybe it was the softness that came with it, or maybe it triggered something in his Saiyan brain to have such a well-fed wife?
 Whatever the case, the usually-reserved man became much more grab happy with Videl in private moments, and movie nights included much more cuddling and gentle squeezing below the covers.

It honestly baffled Videl that she’d spent so long resisting this.  She got to eat whatever she wanted, however often she wanted, stopped worrying about if her now-unhideable belly was on display in her skintight shirts, and most importantly was receiving all the intimacy from Gohan she’d been craving for ages!
 Videl was hesitant to admit it outright, but she was pretty sure Gohan wasn’t the only one with a bit of a preference towards this new much heavier version of herself she’d become.

Videl gazed in the mirror of her bedroom as she prepared for bed one night, pausing as she took in the sight of her fattened form.  It was only a year ago that she’d looked at her small potbelly with disdain, and yet now…
 A soft chuckle escaped as she groped at her soft gut with both hands, giving it a soft jiggle and watching as both her belly and bust wobbled in kind.  A faint warmth sparking between her legs for a split-second, but quickly disappearing as soon as it was noticed.

Now, as she turned away from the mirror and climbed into bed, she couldn’t help but feel excited for how she’d look in another year…


Next Time || Chapter 7: Payoff


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