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(Chapter 1 to a story I'll be tossing on here occasionally.  Be sure to leave a comment giving your thoughts and where you think it'll go!)


Videl frowned at her reflection,  wearing nothing but a bra and panties as she twisted and turned in front of the mirror.  Her familiar reflection had become warped since the last time she’d looked closely at it, and it wasn’t the mirror’s doing that’s for sure.
 Trim, toned abs were replaced with a padded midriff, years of exercise hidden away beneath a small persistent food baby.  It wasn’t too bad as of now, with even her tightest of shirts likely to disguise the bump, but it was unusual.
 “How’d you let this happen, hm..?”  Videl muttered to herself, poking at the soft belly and squirming when her finger sank in a little.

It wasn’t hard to guess what could’ve been the cause of her gain, especially with how much time she’d been spending around her voracious boyfriend.  Gohan ate like nobody’s business –  apparently something to do with his Saiyan heritage –  and it wasn’t unusual for her to eat lunch alongside him due to their after school training.
 Sometimes she’d bring her own lunch, and sometimes she wouldn’t, but in either case she always found herself partaking in the home-cooked food Chi-Chi prepared for them.  When she sat beside Gohan, it became much harder to gauge what was and wasn’t a normal portion of food…

Oddly enough, Videl was stronger than ever despite the added padding!  This ki stuff was clearly no joke, and training almost daily with superhuman aliens had to have its benefits.  Heck, anywhere fat hadn’t yet touched only seemed bulkier and more toned than ever!  She had to admit, the results of the training spoke for themselves.
  …That being said, if she wanted the training to keep paying dividends like it was, she knew she had to nip this newfound weight gain in the bud.  ‘Unless I want to try making a name for myself as Videl Satan, Sumo Wrestling Champion.’  She snorted, giving one last look of disdain at her gut in the mirror.

‘Yeah, right…  That’d be humiliating.’  The raven-haired woman groaned and eased down to the floor, clasping her hands behind her head as she laid on her back.  She began to count up in her head,  starting a set of crunches with near-superhuman speed of her own.  It certainly made her exercise routine faster, that’s for sure.
‘It’s no big deal.  So what, I put on maybe five or ten pounds of fat.’  Videl was already several dozen crunches in,  making eye contact with her reflection every time she completed one.  ‘I’ll just have to exercise a bit more at home.  Focus on my core and try to burn the fat..!’

The simpler solution was really to nix the larger portions she was eating at the Son residence, but that’d be easier said than done;  the one time she didn’t eat because she’d brought her own lunch, Chi-Chi damn near doubled the food on her plate!
 No, she’d just have to be disciplined and dedicated like she’d always been —  Videl Satan doesn’t back down from challenges, she rises above them!


Next Time || Chapter 2: Insistence


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