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100.  Patrons.

If I'm gonna be honest, it's a number I never thought I'd see.  This whole thing started a couple years back as a side-job, something to boost my income and a way to benefit from my work.  Now though, hundreds of pieces and followers later, and even one hundred Patrons later, it feels like so much more.

I am deeply grateful for each and everyone of y'alls support.  It's what allows me to do this as a job, and allows me to put out so much solid art and have fun doing it!  I hope this is only the beginning of a long road, but whether it lasts for a short time or a long time I hope the ride is as fun for you all as it is for me.

Thank you, each and every one of you.  I only hope to continue producing the content that brought yall here in the first place.



And you for continuing to share the fruits of your hard work and talent with us! It's a pleasure to be a Patron of yours. Here's to another 100!

Akeno Himejima

Thank you for the great content. I'm happy to pay for it ^^

Patreon User

you're goated keep up the good work