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So, fortunately, I have some good news concerning my neck and the pulled muscle.

Though it was highly possible that this entire ordeal could last up to 3-6 weeks, it seems I've been fortunate and that the pain and stiffness are fading at a faster rate.

For the most part the pain is now gone, and the worst parts of the day are when I wake up or when I'm trying to go to bed ---  and even then it's only a discomfort rather than something nausea-inducing now.

This brings me a great amount of relief as it means that I'll be able to get back into the swing of things before the month ends.  I should be more than able to get the 18 Drive going again and I'll more than likely be capable of working on this month's renders.

For all intents and purposes I plan to return to working on the 20th, to give myself a few extra days to recover and generally just let myself have some time pain-free before getting back to work.

Thanks to all of you for your support, and should nothing change for the worst I hope to return to my normal posting schedule come the 20th.



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