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Brief Explanation:  The Backrooms "Level F" is my personal overarching term for all and any fetish-related backrooms content I may produce.  The idea is that anything and everything on the floor has a high chance of having some sort of fetish twist to it, usually featuring but not limited to inflation, expansion, or weight gain.

Yes, I also hate the 90,000 backrooms levels that exist.  We all dip into the pool of hypocrisy sometimes.


The low buzz of the office lights above made Karina's eye twitch.  She was pretty sure she memorized the slow-shifting hum's pattern, that the rhythm of the flickering fluorescents above would be forever burned into her mind.

If not that, then the unpleasant odor of the damp halls had certainly become ingrained in her very being.  She was already looking forward to the shower where she'd hopefully wash herself clean of its traces.

It could've been minutes she was wandering these halls for, or hours.  Maybe days, really. It wasn't the first time Karina encountered a glitch in the world by any means --  that honor went to her lovely little reality-defying crack in the wall that kept her safe in her homeless years.

This one, though, was far more vast and unknown to her.

A low rumble broke the monotonous rhythm of footfalls and buzzing lights, and Karina hesitated only for a moment as her hand moved to her stomach.  She was trying hard to ignore the mounting hunger she felt, but after walking for so long it was becoming impossible to bear.

'Definitely days.  I've been here for days for it to get this bad.'  Karina decided, not that the knowledge helped her in any meaningful way.

This was far from the first time Karina felt the hunger of days gone by without even a bite of food, but after living a comfortable middle-class life for much of her twenties it was certainly the worst.  It was easy to forget how bad hunger could feel when she'd had a decade to indulge in plentiful meals.

One thing she did remember was the way the mind would play tricks on her:  convincing her that inedible substances might just be what she needed to tide herself over, or tricking her into smelling or tasting things that weren't there.

It was for that reason that, when her nose picked up the distant smells of something far more appetizing than the mold of the walls, she almost dismissed it as a mirage of scent.

But a quick flare of Kansen to enhance her senses made not just the unpleasant smells of the halls more potent, but the smell of the food, too.  It smelled greasy, salty.  Real.

Karina's heterochromatic eyes shifted to a shared blue as Kansen continued to pump through her, now enhancing not just her nose but her body.  As she sped through the halls in a blur of blue sparks she knew it was stupid to do --  wasting stamina she hardly had to burn.

Yet the allure of food meant she was willing to risk it.  The potential to refill her lost stamina and then some with a meal would surely make it worth it in her eyes.

Karina's sneaker pressed firmly into the wall and she leapt through a distorted vertical hall with ease in pursuit of the source of the smell.  Landing at the edge of the chute-like hall, Karina saw something new for the first time since she arrived.

Her sneakers stood not on musty old carpet, but the repeating tile pattern of many a cheap fast food chain.  Before her lay a confusing Escher-esque layering of booths and floors connected by staircases that only just managed to make sense.

The atmosphere was that of a run down yet corporate food chain.  Repeating patterns of peeled red paint littered the walls, and the leather of the booths looked a day away from giving out.

"Freaky..."  Karina mumbled, and looked back towards where she came from-

Or, where she thought she came from.  Instead of the chute she knew she'd just leapt up, she was only met with a further expanse of this new and odd environment.

'Guess it's askin' too much for the distortion of space to make spatial sense, aye?'  Karina conceded, and cast away her confusion in favor of her previous search.

She needn't search much longer, either, as behind her was exactly where the smell had been coming from, somehow.  As she approached what looked like the cashier's counter of this otherworldly restaurant, a simple meal sat laid out upon a tray:  A cheeseburger, fries, and a soda of some sort.

Holding her hand over the burger, Karina was surprised to find that --  for as long as she'd been chasing the smell --  it was still hot.  Like it was freshly-made and set out for her only a moment ago.

Her natural instinct was to grab the tray, but a more logical part of her brain halted her.  Despite her hunger, one look around told her that this place was just as confusing and potentially dangerous as the labyrinth of halls she'd been wandering before.

Was she really about to test her luck by consuming something no doubt produced by this hellworld of tongue-tied data and physics?

The growling of her stomach made her curl in on herself, hands gripping the counter to either side of the suspicious tray.  Her stomach felt like an engine grinding itself to pieces, ready to destroy itself if something wasn't added to grease things up.

'Either I test my luck, or I die of starvation in another day or two I guess.'  Karina justified weakly.  She'd like to say she'd gone far longer without food, but any actual estimate of time passed was nothing but a best guess.


With a wife to return to, Karina wasn't ready to gamble on those odds.  She stood upright, and took the tray in her hands.

Karina's eyes flickered over the contents of the tray as she wandered towards the closest booth.  Nothing about the meal seemed odd except for its apparent freshness...  and the fact that it looked every bit as good as the fake food reserved for commercials over consumption.

'What are the odds I'm about to bit into cardboard and wax?'  Karina mused, dropping into a leather booth of questionable nostalgia.  Taking only a moment to settle in, Karina decided it was time to stop putting things off and actually taste the damn food.

The burger had a rather expected heft when she picked it up, the fresh heat of the burger absorbing into her palms and making it all the more inviting as she leaned in to take a tenuous bite.

She tore into the burger with her fanged teeth, and as she chewed she was met with a taste that was...  difficult to describe.  It was like every memory of what she thought a fast food burger was meant to taste like, ignoring the actual cheap quality in favor of the nostalgic overestimation of flavor.

It made it much harder to think critically and much easier to take another more greedy bite, if only to savor that warm and inviting flavor as she chewed up the odd burger.

'This is so stupid.'  Karina told herself, but she hardly swallowed before the third bite was in her mouth.

She let the burger fall to the tray in favor of the fries, her curiosity drawing her to the side item.  The fries were hot.  Fresh-out-of-the-deep-fryer hot.  She was grateful for her hearty physicality as she tossed the greasy and deliciously salty starch sticks into her mouth, because a lesser person's mouth would've felt scalded by them.

So good were the fries, was the food as a whole, that when Karina picked up her burger for another bite she was too blind to notice that the marks of her previous mouthfuls were nowhere to be seen --  leaving her biting into a burger just as pristine as it had been the first time she grabbed it.

'God, I fucking needed this.'  Karina groaned in relief as another chewed-up mouthful settled in her stomach, already starting to lose track of the exact number as she alternated between the burgers and fries.

A sip of the soda brought a taste of pure nonspecificity --  it was like every soda she liked had been combined, averaged, and then heightened into the perfect blend.  She sucked the sugary fluid through the straw until her stomach grew taut and a bubbly belch of carbonation ruptured free from her mouth.


Karina only stopped to pound her chest and eek out another smaller burp, a little amused chuckle pushing free soon after.

'Who'da thought I'd get full enough to kick out one of those here?'  Despite the acknowledgement of her fullness, her hands found their way back to the burger, and soon to her mouth.

The thing about nostalgia is that it can be disarming.  That warm comfort, the inviting feelings of a time that once was, it can make someone act out of the ordinary.  Make them grasp at that feeling, to try and sustain it for some prolonged period.

Every mouthful of the greasy cheeseburger was an extension of that philosophy.  Every fry Karina popped in her mouth long after her initial fullness was another burst of fresh nostalgia to coax her onwards.


Every satisfied belch that came after a fresh mouthful of soda was a step deeper into the never-ending chase towards what was and what may never be again.

So blinded by her nostalgia, Karina didn't notice that her mouthfuls of food were beginning to guide not just her stomach outwards, but her entire body.  It was like her body skipped the state of bloat and went right to digestion.

Like someone, or something, was trying to keep Karina from noticing how full she should be.

It even reflected in the way her wardrobe accommodated her far beyond what was truly reasonable.  The button of her cargo pants creaked and the waist of her pants slowly slid down as her belly pooled in her lap, but the button never gave and only the occasional seam creaked.


Karina's slowly-forming double chin quivered a little with her latest belch, and a hand unthinkingly palmed at and rubbed a stomach several magnitudes larger than it had been at the start of her meal.

Had Karina not been well into the throes of starvation prior to her meal, or had she not been so swept up in the nostalgia of bite after bite, these oddities of reality warping around her only further might have been captured by the usually-clever woman.

Instead, she barely batted an eye when her stomach slipped out from underneath her ribbed top and pressed into the edge of the table with enough force to bring out only another burp.


The increasingly obese redhead paused in her meal, but not because she was concerned about the feeling of the cool edge of the table pressing into her midriff, and not because of the increasing tightness of her cropped jacket on her meaty arms.

"Fugh...  I wonder if I can find more food here to bring home to Aish'.  I bet she'd love it."  Her idle musings were the sole reason her hedonistic indulgence paused, and Karina's lips were soon pressed into an ever-pristine burger once more.

Indulgence was a dangerous thing.  A little indulgence hurt only as much as a little of anything --  a reward for a job well done, a reprieve from the weariness of a long day, or simply a treat to start the week off with.

Indulgence in excess, though, was a force rivaled by very little.


Karina shifted in the booth, trying to get comfortable once more as her swelling derriere found itself becoming wide enough to make her occupy the entire side she'd sat in.  As her neck and cheeks swelled with enough fat that they were becoming one beneath the cover of her high collar.

Indulgence in excess dulls the body and mind alike.  Leaves one vulnerable to the snowballing of further indulgence.  Indulgence feeds indulgence, and when taken to its extreme, evolves into gluttony.

"Hrugh..."  Pudgy palms kneaded and massaged a stomach that was far too big to be her own and yet most certainly was;  Karina was finally beginning to feel the beginnings of fullness creep up on her, huffing and puffing as her flabby body grew hot with its thick layer of padding.

"Maybe just a little more for the- URRrRRrP- road.  Or else I might end up starvin' again."  Karina hollowly justified, aware somewhere in the back of her mind that she was struggling against her own flabby bust and belly to reach the food on the table far in front of her.

That vague awareness though, suppressed.  Suppressed by the gluttony that grew from her indulgence much in the same way as her bloated belly had grown out of the confines of her wardrobe.

Gluttony could be unstoppable for one person alone.  So deep into indulgence that hedonistic could hardly describe it, to the point that even gluttony felt somehow unbefitting of representing itself.

Gluttony made it easy not to care as Karina was forced to move the tray from the table to atop her generous bust, either breast far surpassing her head in scale now.

Gluttony made it easy to dismiss as her gut grew large enough to force the table onto its side and against the other booth with every bite she crammed into her mouth.  Bites so large that half of the burger would vanish only to reappear the moment she pulled it back from her gaping maw.

Gluttony made it impossible to notice as her hips and thighs pressed into the wall to one side and spilled over the edge of the booth on the other.

"Bwugh... BWUUoooOOOAAArrrrrGGGHHhh..."

Karina pushed the final bite of the burger into her mouth along with the last few fries.  The lingering mouthfuls of soda were sucked down to wash away the grease and salt from her tired mouth.

Karina reached to her chest for more food, but was disappointed and unusually confused when she was met with nothing left to eat --  just an empty tray sat atop an impossibly large chest.

'Why am I surprised?  Not like the food was gonna last forever;  just a single meal.'  Karina chuckled at her own confusion, her flabby cheeks and chins jiggling along with her laugh.

"Welp-"  Karina grunted out, oblivious to the way all the fat about her face and throat made her voice huskier and a tone deeper.  "Guess I should get a go on lookin' for the way outta this place..."

Karina tried to stand, massive and flabby thighs pressing into a belly just as immense and leaving her pinned to the booth.  A frown crossed her lips as she struggled to stand, rocking back and then pushing forward with more force than she felt was really necessary.

Her stomach was pressed into the toppled table, and for a split-second her butt rose from the seat she'd been rooted to for so long...  but as quickly as she rose, she fell right back into it with a belch and a groan.

Sweat dripped from her face after such exertion, and little pants escaped from Karina's mouth as she found her confusion turning to frustration.  A spark of blue energy danced around her as she once more called on Kansen, and with this added level of strength she slowly and finally forced right up to her feet.

Beyond the cover of her belly the table and opposing chair became one crushed mess of furniture, but Karina was too busy shuffling out of the destroyed booth to actually notice.

Kansen's enhancing energy vanished once she was free, the powerup strangely difficult to maintain for even a fraction of a minute as the sweaty and obese woman aimed to get back on track with her previous task.

'Great, so I'm fed, now I've just gotta find the-'

At the top of one of the nearby staircases was the familiar yellow-tinted halls of the realm she was trapped in.  Heavy arms sluggishly rose as she rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't just seeing things.

'-exit.  Guess I was just too hungry to look up..?'

Regardless, Karina wasn't about to take her chance to depart for granted.  She made for the staircase, but found her progress considerably slower than it had been prior to her arrival at this secondary distortion in space.

To progress forward, Karina was forced to swing one of her flabby legs --  either of which was markedly wider than the widest point of her had been when she sat down to eat --  far out to the side while pivoting on the other.

Each footfall was heavy and sent a ripple through her flabby figure, her sweaty stomach slapping gently against the floor as it proved just large enough to make contact.

'What gives?  The gravity go up or somethin'?'  Karina lamented in her mind, her slow but steady waddle bringing her to and slowly up the stairs.  Her stomach pressed into and dragged along the individual steps, making the task of movement only more laborious for the weary and stuffed redhead as a symphony of pants, grunts, and burps became the new white noise of this realm.

Karina's pudgy hand gripped the handrail to her one side as she came to a stop at the top of the stairs.  One staircase being such a challenge was embarrassing enough to make her glad she was completely cut off from anyone she could know --  she'd never live it down.

But then, as Karina really racked her brain for why moving about was suddenly so tough, her hands moved to her belly in an idle fidget...  and something clicked.

"H-huh..?"  Karina stared down at her expansive frame, confusion hitting her once more.  She...  hadn't always been this big, had she?  Sure, she was a bit of an eater, but she could see her chest trying to spill out of her top.  This was new.

The distortion of the realm made it hard to recall if she was double what she'd been on her arrival, maybe triple.  Maybe more or less.  She was certain, though, that whatever size she once was, she was noticeably beyond it now.

"Just what the hell was in that food..?"  Karina mumbled, and looked back towards the bottom of the stairs in search of answers.  Much as had happened on her arrival to this secondary realm, though, she was met with no staircase;  instead, the musty yellow halls of the strange reality distortion were all about her once more in a network of dizzying halls and musty smells.

The flabby redhead groaned, brushing a hand through her hair.  "Just great.  I stumble into a place with the world's best burger, put on who knows how much, and then get kicked out without so much as a goodbye.  So much for customer service."

Karina didn't much care about how small she'd been before, since she had a feeling she was going to be left with more questions than answers no matter how long she spent unraveling the web of distorted reality she was now hopelessly ensnared in.

Instead, with a labored grunt, she threw her leg out to the side and began her waddle once more.  It was a stark contrast to the agility that let her bound through the halls and leap up that earlier chute, for sure.

Where she was going she wasn't sure;  an exit, hopefully.  But, even as she suffered the consequences of indulgence turned to gluttony, there was a very real part of her that hoped for a second encounter with that secondary distortion that had brought her a meal and a reprieve from the monotony of yellow hues.

Besides, she couldn't have put on that much weight in one sitting, right?  If she'd been waddling around as this much of a heifer before, she could definitely afford to indulge for a second time if the opportunity arose!

Perhaps time would let her realize the folly of falling further into her own gluttony, or maybe she would be too foolish to see the signs and eat until she couldn't stand up even with the help of her superhuman power.

Gluttony is a fickle thing, after all...

END (For Now)


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