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For the past two weeks I've been working on easily one of the most ambitious commissions I've ever taken on, and frankly it was something I was really happy to get a chance to do! For those of you who don't know, this is actually a RE-COMM of a commission from two years ago. The original commission was done when I was in the midst of moving, when my PC broke, and when I got sick with COVID for the second time. It was never my proudest work even if I firmly believe it was the best I could do at the time.

I'm infinitely happier with this new version and the customer is as well, and frankly that's the part I'm happiest about.

(This is also where most of my time has gone for the past 2 weeks LMAO)




Holy shit this sequence is incredible! Outstanding!


I love how this story sort of progresses between each step of the sequence. 1. Learning to be a bit more comfortable around you, loosening the societal pressure when in your company. Her bubbly smile, beaming sharp eyes, and quick wit shine brightly, as she enjoys cooking an articulate meal. Rocking the maid outfit, her profession is to serve. But maybe being served could be nice? 2. With that freedom comes indulgence. She’s worked so hard, why *not* spoil herself a little. I love how you can already see the faint thickening of the thighs, and the hidden belly beginning to prod against the dress holding it in. Every dam has to burst *some* day, right? 3. Over time, this overindulgence is starting to affect her career path. She hasn’t reconciled with this yet, of course, but it’s *literally* front and center for everyone around her to see. 😉 4. After getting so comfortable and intimate together, the self insert finally reveals how into her gluttony and growth they are. Having that be appreciated . . . maybe she’s finding herself embracing it too? 5. The first time we *really* see her in that gluttony zone. Tuning everything else out, entirely zero’d in on enjoying the decadence of overconsumption. Even her etiquette is out the window, chocolate littering her cheeks. We’ll def see more of this later, but for now, it’s a special moment. For the first time, we see her stomach truly dominate her physique, as if it’s taken charge of her very purpose. 6. At this point, it’s *very* clear that her growing waistline is going to become a permanent hindrance in her academic efforts. And yet . . . at no point does she consider leaving the donuts behind. She may not have realized it yet, but she’s already *made* her choice. 7. The whole class is giving her gifts to indulge in for the end of the year. She hasn’t announced it yet, but the retirement is clearly the next step in her heavy bodied journey. 8. Four panels back, she was unsure of herself. But now, these moments are a peak for her. Embracing her entire heaving form with every pump, a celebration of all their efforts and intimacy. Where once her belly could barely meet his torso, now her heft enveloped him completely. Truly, what else can be better than *more*! 9. She’s taken this close to heart now, it’s her entire MO. Clothes? Not important compared to food. Being full? Ignore that, gotta grow more. Kawakami’s got a new life mantra: if it ain’t about more, she’s not interested. 10. You’d think by last point, there’d be no more pretenses to drop, but she’ll surely prove ya wrong. She *already* can’t walk, and her arms are sooner or later going to become too big to use. Why not cut out the middle man. Pump, pump, pump, a spoiled stage of endless indulgence. Her massive belly, butt, and thighs have all rolled up into one forever bed. To leave all the rest behind, and live in bliss. 11. She’s now indomitable in size, every little bit of dexterity lost in a blanket of comfort and softness. Her hazy swaddled eyes, her cheeks stuffed to the max with confections, silently sitting in tranquil bliss. Why worry about things like when the next meal will come, or maintaining her appearance. It’s not like she can move anything. Just rest and bathe in the pleasure. No more clothes, she lives to be served an endless bevy of delights, that haze from way back when she first entered that gluttonous zone reveled in every moment. What are you standing around for, self insert, she’s almost done with the next mouthful! Get to it!


I dont think I can adequately put into words just how much I enjoyed reading this review, this is great!