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Was inspired by @ghostwank's Pearl/Amethyst sequence to try something similar myself!  

Gonna update this every so often whenever I'm in the mood, so it could be daily or weekly or anything really.  I wonder how big Bulma's ass is gonna be when all's said and done, though.

When it comes to Patreon, I'll be posting the parts individually, and then when all's said and done and I'm sure the main share of the sequence is finished I'll just put them all together as one post.




Ooooh I love the connotations of this one. Wayward thoughts can prove disastrous here! And the mind does tend to wander… 😈


Yeah see? You've got the right idea! I really love the idea of a ""clever"" wish backfiring because it does exactly what was requested --- no monkey's paw required, just human nature!

Connor Rivers

You know, I can perfectly see teenage Bulma doing something this selfish. Her original reasons were to get either a lifetime supply of strawberries or a boyfriend after all.