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Hello everyone, hope you had a good start of the year, in my case it wasn’t. I’ve spent the majority of my days sick in bed and I’ve decided 2022 will be a completely different year for me.

I’ve decided to make various changes and take certain radical decisions that might sound harsh. Maybe this makes me look bad but it's true that it's necessary if I want to improve as a person and not make the same mistakes I’ve done for the last 2 years.

I admit that I’ve overwhelmed myself with work in a non healthy way. 12 to 14 hours of work daily makes life less enjoyable. I love my work, I love to draw and animate, but this has brought me health and personal issues. As you know I recently got sick at the end of december, which seemed like a simple throat infection that evolved into something more serious and dangerous due to how I haven’t taken care of myself these months, poor sleep and null rest.

The pay isn’t really worth it, putting myself at risk. So I took the next decisions, although some sound horrible (and will probably leave me without money this month, but I’ll see how I solve that):

  1. I’m going to cancel all work in progress commissions (doesn’t apply to Patreon rewards). I left the prices way too low in terms of work. I’ll contact each specific client to send them a refund or to talk about alternatives.
  2. There won’t be “Weekly Loop Request Box” anymore, its something I wanted to try last year. However it was a horrible idea. Yes, a lot of people could see their ideas done but I also received various insults from patreons that I didn’t pick. (Seriously? I literally gave you the chance to get an animation for 4 dollars and many people got mad their ideas didn’t win?)
  3. Animated commissions are closed until August (or more), I’ll probably open them back up, but with a more reasonable price (drawings will only be open to close friends.)
  4. The content of Patreon is going to change, due to some suggestions and such, longer animations, sexier scenes or tf sequences. It’s something I'm going to implement soon, but this will decrease the content of Patreon be aware.

I thank everyone for supporting me, truly, without you I wouldn’t be anyone in this community. But I must make these changes, if I want to improve and accomplish everything I plan for this year.

Take care everyone.


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