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Hello Loyal Patreons,

It's time once again or another work in progress roundup to give you all a look at what's going on behind the scenes here at Master Dan's Dojo.

The most notable thing this month has been the completion and final release of the Larxene Anal Camgirl video! I'm so very pleased with how that turned out. It's been a long time I've been wanting to be able to put real voice actors in my shit & it'll all thanks to you guys that I was able to do so. So thanks for all the support. I'm hoping to make voice acting the new standard for any video that has sound from here on, so you all have that to look forward to.

But since that came out we have a number of other animation projects coming as well! In order to try and minimize the wait time between projects I'm trying to split my time between long and short videos so we have something to fill in the gaps & currently there are three in the works.

The first has only just started the other day & that is the Aqua animation to celebrate her winning Summer Best Girl over on Twitter. This will be Aqua sitting in a beach chair while as many girls as I can realistically fit in are fawning over her. I'm aiming to get Kairi, Namine, Xion & Strelitzia in there at least & we'll see who else there is room for after that. This will be a very very short loop that will run for under 10 seconds. Kissing, titty sucking, someone will be eating her pussy (although you'll only see the back of their head). Nothing too adventurous, just a little something to celebrate Aqua. No preview on this yet because I've only just started.

The second video in production will be a little longer and is the next video from the Discord Requests Channel. Anyone who donates £5 or more is able to make an animation request on the Discord (If you've not sign up yet but would like to you can do so my using this link: https://discord.gg/7SG3jNN all Patreons have access to the general channel on the Discord and higher level ones get access to extra stuff there so so be sure to sign up if you haven't already). I've already done the first of these requests (that was the Kairi & Olette back to back BJ video) and the next one will involve Kairi & Aqua going 69 on each other. I'm getting close to be halfway through this video and it's likely to be about 1 minute, maybe 1:30. You can have a look at a preview of how that animation is coming along here:


Kairi's going to go to town for a bit longer and then we are going to pull back so we can see Aqua again & she is going to summon a dildo (more on dildo summoning in a little bit), use it on Kairi a bit & then we reset the loop.

And the third video currently in production is the next Official KH Round #3 animation from the Twitter requests. This is the Riku x Namine: Rough BJ animation. Currently I have the first two shots completely 100% done and am in the process of rendering them out but I do have completed test cuts for both these scenes which you can see here:


 This one has been a challenge because it's the first real performance test for the particle hair system. There was quite a lot of tweaking that went into getting the hair to react right in the first shot & while it might not be 100% the way I'd like it to be, it's acceptable for a first go. Each shot should have progressively better looking hair action as i get the hang of how to do it right, but at least it's actually working and doing all the things it's supposed to be doing.

Actually rendering animation with this hair is another story all together. It's required some effort to effectively denoise the hair in the final animation, but I do now have an effective method for doing this (albeit not a particularly efficient one). It remains to be seen how the Particle Hair Arc will play out, but it's been a refreshingly compliant so far & I've eventually been able to solve all the main problems. Which is the complete opposite of the Bone Physics arc, which was a complete disaster.

But it's not just KH animation that's been happening. There has also been a shit tonne of modelling work going on too. Now that the female roster is pretty much done I've been catching up on the dudes & have added an additional 4 guys to the list too so we now have Xehanort, Young Xehanort, Axel & Ventus all 100% working and ready to go:

This is very good because Riku has really been shouldering all the work so far & it's going to be nice to be able to mix things up a bit and not have it be the exact same person every time.

And this week I have been returning to a little side project I started a little while ago which is keyblade themed dildos for all the girls. Since a need a toy for the Kairi x Aqua animation I decided I'd knock Aqua's up but (as usual) I got carried away and have spent the last few days making for everyone so I now have a total of 9 KH vibrators to choose from. See if you can figure out whose is whose:

There is a second set of dildos for everyone that are larger, more specific and more heavily themed around various key blades, but those are all still very early in development. Big thanks to everyone who helped out brain storming ideas for that on the discord the other day!

And that's about all the KH news we have this month, but the news doesn't stop there!

In Medli news she is pretty much done. There were a few final issues to resolve but I think I can finally release her. Now I just need to make some pics for the smutbase release, write a bunch of instructions for how she works and then I can finally end this project. Or rather start the final stage of the project where I spend the next next fixing problems that people find. I still have the option of declaring her as abandonware and refusing to do any updates what so ever, but we'll see. But the gist of this is you can probably expect to see her on your shelves very soon.

In Mei news, the wheel has started to turn very slowly. Unfortunately it's turning backwards since the save file that has the original version of the model in corrupted and I had to go back to Daz & send her out again. But I'm getting the pieces ready, I'm going to build the backroom casting couch set pretty soon (not a hard job) and getting the dude ready for action too. I'm probably going to rebuild him myself so I can get all the Daz animation controls on him like the rest of my guys. And while I'm going to try as hard as possible to keep his head out of the shot as much as possible I will probably have to lip sync a bit of his performance so I should make sure I have what I need.

We are looking on track to achieve my stated goal of actually starting this project this year. And when I say starting I mean animating, but we're only 3/4 done so there is still plenty of time. I'm going to make this the main animation focus for a while once the Riku x Namine one is done, which I'm hoping to conclude this year.

In Eldar Narn news, I'm still getting ready to start the next chapter. Right now I'm writing out a full version of the script for this chapter to make sure I get the order right. I have built the set and got everyone in place for the first panel, it's just a question of getting started but the various KH projects have taken precedence since I finished the last chapter. We'll get back this soon enough.

For October I will mainly focusing on the various animations I have going. It'd be nice if I could get the Aqua Beach MVP one done before the end of the month & the majority of the Kairi x Aqua one too. Kairi x Aqua will get voice acting so I'm going to need to keep the Patreon money for that expense, but I doubt we'll get to that before November so there should be plenty of funds available for that. There is one guy left to do & that's Terra. And also the male and female heartless so they'll probably get finished in the coming month too. Heartlette is pretty much finished already so she'll be popping up real soon I think.

And there we have it. A most successful month. We're right in the thick of the animations now & I have a lot of holiday to use up at work so it should be a perfect storm of NSFW animation goodness. 

Take it easy my dudes.



Good stuff! Unless I missed it before, I think this is the first you’ve mentioned Kairi x Aqua would be voiced. Really excited to see who you choose for Kairi!


Half voiced at least. I'm only going to voice Kairi. I discovered that I'll need her to cum a little bit so I might as well get her cast and voice acted. I think this is the first time I've brought this up, I only recently decided. I'll be looking for an actress this month.