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Hello once again Loyal Patreons,

It's time for another big WIP roundup I think. Not everyone is on the Discord for the weekly updates so lets take a look at what's going on.

Been quite a successful couple months as the Moms BJ video was very well received (in no small part due to 0Lightsource retweeting it). The main focus remains 'gittin gud @ Blender' & getting the main KH models ready for proper use. The 'gittin gud' is going quite well I think. The Moms BJ video was better than the Kairi one I think & the current Larxene one is even better than that. This is definitely the kind of progress I've been wanting to see. It's just been a question of getting used to Blender. I couldn't do shit in SFM when I started either, but I learnt. I think the Larxene one is just about as good animation wise as the last SFM stuff I did. But we'll get to the animating in a second.

Made lots of progress on the modelling front, for the girls we've now got; The Moms, Kairi, Namine, Olette & Larxene all fully 100% finished & ready for use. And I've fleshed the boys roster too so we now have; Sora, Roxas, Pence & Hayner:

So they can all join Riku on the active roster & give him a break from always having to be the one to fuck everybody. Such a hard life.

There are a few completely new models in the pipeline too. The most complete is Maleficent, who you can see here:

She's fully built & has all her outfits loaded, but has none of her animation controls or mannequin bodies installed yet. So still a bit of work to do before she'll be usable, but I'm super happy with how she has come out. Due to how weird and cartoonish her head is it was a much trickier port & quite frankly I'm surprised it worked, but it did!

Slightly less ready than her is the newest addition, Heartlette:

This has been an ongoing project for about a year where I've been trying to get a female heartless going. But since this is something I have to make totally from scratch it's taken a while before I was good enough to actually pull it off. There are many many failed versions. It's the skin more than anything else. Without the right blue rim-light effect it just looks weird & you can't tell how the rest of the model looks until you get that right so it's been a long road. But she has come out amazing in my opinion & I'm delighted to offer her a place on the roster. I'm still finalizing her variants & 'outfits' for now so it'll be a little long before she sees action.

And much much further back is the inevitable conclusion of the Moms project, Kairi's Mom. Who at the moment doesn't really exist because I'm still trying to build her head in Daz. There has been lots of very helpful pics shared by you guys in the Discord to help out with finding the right look for her base model & I'm making some progress. But is still very much a 'wait & see' project.

On the animation side of things the current Larxene Anal Dildo scene is nearing done with the first animation pass. As usual I've taken what was going to be a very simple idea & blow it up into something way more long & complicated. 

I think we're at about 3 minutes so far with another 30 likely to come. But it's gunna be real good. So good in fact that I have decided I'm going to put the current Patreon dollars towards hiring a voice actress to do some lines & sound effects for this one! With only one participant & the actions not being terribly complex it seemed like a nice affordable way to try this out. Plus this video hasn't really done anything that ground-breaking & the whole point of this series is to try new things each time. But I have to get all the way to the end before I can send off for recording, so the focus for next week is reach the end & get a version I can send to the voice actress for some sounds & dirty talking.

I'm planning on doing one more of these 'git gud' animations before we tackle the next official KH Round #3 Video: Riku x Namine BJ video. That's going to be a Kairi & Olette back to back BJ video. That going to be much shorter (around 30 seconds I think) & might even be possible while I wait for the voice acting! I'll be able to test out some of the spit effect I want to use in the RxN video. But I am going to do a session just testing cum mechanics too. It's very tricky & I want a bit more experience first so rather than wasting a whole animation just to practice it I'll just setup a small scene where I plaster Namine in jizz to find out what works best.

That's about all the KH news for this month. Next is:

And it's a good news bad news situation here. The good news is I've returned to her model build a bit. There have been some updates to lots of things since I last put her down so she needed diffeomorphic & MustardUI updating to Blender 3. This actually turned out to be great because the new versions lets me nest all the diffeomorphic controls in the UI so they will all be in one place. I'm still harbouring concerns that she'll wind up being too heavy for regular rigs, but I have a backup plan to further reduce her load (at the cost of some functionality) if it comes to it.

The bad news is that I'm pretty sure, like 99% sure I'm going to shelve the SFM Medli animation. It's the last SFM project I've got going and you may have noticed me just putting it off again & again. I need to pull the rip cord on this & officially end the project so I can get underway with the next big one. The Mermaid joint wrapped so long ago & I haven't really had a big project going since then, just smaller KH projects.

I'm not going to delete it or anything & if the unthinkable should happen & some tragedy befalls the big PC, I can pull this one back out in a pinch. But at the end of the day I don't want to work on SFM animations any more. There is so much to learn about Blender & I'd rather focus on Blender projects so I can grow & get better at that. Any growth I make in SFM is essentially meaningless at this point, or even harmful because my Blender senses will be dulled when I come back. No. It has to be this way. So I'm sorry Medli fans who may have been waiting for me to get back to that one, it's not going to happen. But the public Medli Blender model is very much still coming & will be the sole recipient of the Medli time from here on. I've even started posing the next outfit previews for the Gerudo Outfits, so we're back on track again there!

But with the Medli project cancelled it means it's FINALLY, REALLY, (despite this being at least the third time I've said this) TIME FOR:

Except with a new Blender Mei:

She's very nearly ready for action. I'd say she is at about Heartlette levels of readiness. I think I'm happy with everything, I'm just making sure before I start putting her animation controls in place. She is nowhere near as complex as the KH girls are because I only need Mei to do certain things & she doesn't need millions of outfits. The KH girls need to be ready for whatever wacky requests I get from you guys, but Mei not so much.

I have spent about a couple weeks making  aversion of her coat that opens along the seam so she can take it off since that'll be the opening shot of the thing. It'll be a couple of second & it wont even be in focus. Weeks. Weeks of modelling. I'm a fool.

But it's still just a smidge too early to get excited just yet. The plan is to get at least Namine x Riku finished before we start rolling on this, but it's coming. Expect to see some smaller Mei content popping up soon.

And finally, after wasting all your time with that other silly bullshit it's time for:

The reason you're all actually here! And it's so close. They're out of the secret passage, I've built the dungeon, they've walking almost all the way through. There are still a few shots that'll take time to get the lighting right because it's the first time we'll be seeing that angel, but the very very end will be all from the same angle, so lights are reused. It's not unrealistic to think that by the end of the month this damn chapter will finally be over.

Thankfully there is no magic in the dungeon. Any time someone casts any kind of magic I have to spend ages in photoshop adding all the special effects. And I never should have decided that torches lit by magic will always have the magic special effects, because when you can see 6 torches per panel, that's a lot of editing. Not mention to have to blur the far away ones a bit to they blend in with the camera aperture. We can add magic torches to the list of 'things I regret putting in Eldar Narn' along with Meredhel's stupid cat.

It's a Gizzi & Wyn chapter next & will finally for the first time in the 3 years I've been doing this thing actually have some porn in it! And as promised it will be weird & gross & essentially just a brief trolling & the REAL porn is still miles off. It's coming though.

I'd like to say that we're done with introducing new characters, but we're not. There will be several new named characters introduced in this next chapter. Six I think. But two of them bugger off until season 2 at the end of this book so it's fine. Some others might not survive until season 2. But then we're done introducing new characters. Apart from the other two in Chapter Eight. And the one at the end. But THEN we're done for new characters. Until book 2. When there will be loads more.

Anyway, that's about enough from me for new. It's been a gud couple months, gud animations, gud growth & gud times in the Discord with you fine people.

Take it easy my dudes.


Ghost Man

You're the only patreon creator I know that's constantly trying to push the boundaries of his craft. I respect your work ethic.


Good stuff man. REALLY excited about the idea of getting a voice over for the Larxene video.


That's probably because other creators are better than I am and don't need to try so hard! But seriously, thank you. I believe you can't master art, there is no gold standard you can ever reach where you know it all. Or even most of it. There will always be ways to improve, grow & change & you should always be trying try to find them. Art doesn't limit you. You only limit yourself. Goku taught me this.


Me too my dude. Proper voice acting has been a main goal right from the start & it's gunna be great to finally deliver it. And it's all because of you guys that I can afford to do this. So thank you & everyone for making this possible.