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Hello Loyal Patreons,

It time for another monthly round up & it's been another good one. We started the next image series of tasteful nudes showing off some of our girl's curves. These Daz renders are very quick to make so for now it's helpful to be able to keep putting these out while the Blender models get ready. We saw the first ever Blender Render showing off Aqua's finished model.

Well, turns out it isn't actually finished, but I'll get to that in a minute. We added an extra video to Kingdom Hearts Round #3 & cemented Xion as the next one to be fully ported over. We'll be seeing her in a Riku x Namine x Xion scene. And the Nani x Lifeguard video is done & comes out next!

Upon reviewing last month's breakdown I have realized that I didn't get round to doing te round table, but there is only one person at $20 & they are still here, so I'll get that done later this week.

Most of the work this month has either gone into editing the Nani video or working on the Blender models. While Aqua worked & was ready for rigging & her first animation, I have discovered a few new things about the process, noticed some minor mistakes & discovered I'd missed a new version of the Daz to Blender system I use being released. Long story short, Aqua needs to be done over. The good news is that with the new version, the workflow has been cut down even further & I've pretty much got Aqua back where she needs to be today.

As part of this re-work I've solved the issue I was having about her high-poly breasts by applying a different kind which doesn't quite match the original for quality, is a massive step up from the default nipples & retains 100% functionality too. Plus I have a new advanced tongue I want her to have.

As an extra bonus the limit for facial expression pre-sets has been raised from 24 to unlimited, so they all now come with a library of about about 200-300 facial expressions with unique elements distributed amongst them so they aren't all the same. This will save so much time in the future that it might even add up to a whole extra feature animation I'll have time to make, it's that much of a save.

I've also spent quite a lot of time playing about with building everyone's default outfits. Kairi's is done, it's now separated into a skirt & a vest & the vest has various stages of undress. 

Larxene's robes is mostly done. The upper body sections are pretty much finished, I just need to get the lower half to open up. Then we do the same for Xion.

Namine & Olette don't need their actual outfits ported because they are so simple & generic that they can just be replaced by Daz items. Most of Aqua's default outfit ended up getting swapped out for superior daz items too. I think it's just the chest straps that are left. I'm also working on a Destiny Island School Uniform for everyone.

I have a selection of daz outfits for everyone as well. Before I start getting into custom items I wanted to make sure that everyone has some appropriate gear they can use right away so they all have (in addition to their canon outfit) a lingerie, a swimsuit, a sleepwear, a casual & then whatever other outfits I felt were thematically appropriate for them. This way I've got plenty of potential content showing off cute & sexy outfits.

But to make things more interesting, something I thought I would do is open up suggestions on Twitter for any outfits you'd like to see any of the girls in. Ask people to submit pictures of outfits &I'd see if I could make any of them a reality. Of course you guys are always welcome to jump on the Discord & submit any suggestions you have when ever you want.

And finally, it's time for the Eldar Narn update! We got the next release for Chapter six last month so we're now in the final stretch. We return back to Meredhel & Kala for the rest of the chapter, until everyone leaves because we will follow them out very briefly before the chapter ends as there is one particular thing I need to show in the final panel before we end the chapter. Like pretty much everything else in chapter 6, it's all more foreshadowing for things that will happen later on. But before that it's just more of Meredhel & Kala flirting with each other. I actually don't get many opportunities to have them interact so I need to make the most of the ones I can. Why aren't there many opportunities? You'll have to wait & see.

And that about it. The coming month should hopefully be able getting Aqua's test animation under way, maybe even as early as tomorrow & then it's FINALLY time to blow the dust off of the Medli animation & get stuck into something big again.

Take it easy my dudes,


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