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These episodes are flying by right now, which is a good sign.


One Piece FULL-LENGTH - Episodes 348 - 351

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



One of the best details is that the first thing Nami thought to say to prove she's a crossdresser is "Jodan janai wa yo!" in Bon Clay's inflection.


Funny that her voice actor would have had practice with that too, considering the episode where Bon Clay disguises as Nami a bunch, haha.

Bob Kip

i know this is a long time ago for you already, but you asked about "would salt on a sword be effective vs devil fruits" - i dont think thats really the point of the salt thing here. in many horror stories and the like, salt has always been a way to keep ghosts, demons and zombies out or slow them down, i think oda drew inspiration from that. not the fact that slat is a thing from the sea


Oh, for sure, I definitely got the connection between salt and the ghosts. And if they just left it at that I wouldn't have had any questions. But then Brook says "The zombies were originally animated thanks to a Devil Fruit. Salt holds the power of the ocean. So just as a power holder grows limp in the ocean, the salt breaks the fusion between a fake soul and a body." So that implies that this is Oda's in-universe explanation for why salt works like this, and I was just speculating if he could go further with that since he's established it.