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Hey, uh, this might end up being a stupid idea, but um... here's next video of One Piece early. I had this video done super far in advance. Does this mean that on One Piece day in a couple days, I'll post ANOTHER video?... maybe. Maybe Patreon just gets a bonus One Piece video this week for no reason. I am very ahead in videos right now, so uh... hope you enjoy extra content.


One Piece FULL-LENGTH - Episodes 313 - 316

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



--Thank you for the extra content, this is a momentous lore dump! --In terms of length, Water 7 Saga is exactly average, in the center when comparing every saga. --When the flashback showed Luffy's execution, some reactors fall for the red herring that it's implying Smoker or Buggy is Luffy's dad. But I think the intention was to suggest Dragon's implied weather powers saved Luffy, without confirming it. --It was never revealed before now that Shanks and Buggy's first crew was Roger's, that casual drop was very big. Although the Live Action teased it in episode 1. --Spandam mentioned that Jabra, Kumadori, and Fukuro just came back from infiltrating and assassinating Revolutionaries. Before that, Dalton's flashback called Dragon a Revolutionary, but this point confirms his status as leader. The Live Action also teased the Rev. Army (R.A.) in Kaya's newspaper. --Back before Arlong Park, Yosaku introduced the Warlords as one of the "Three Great Powers" ruling the Grand Line. Finally, you are told what they all are: -The Seven Warlords ("Shichibukai") -Navy HQ -The Four Emperors ("Yonko")


Man, I love huge lore episodes when you can also give me these little facts! -- RE: Length, interesting - I just saw on Crunchyroll where it has the episode counts after each saga that Water 7 had the third most amount of eps, that's all I was going off. -- RE: Rev. Army - I saw that part of the newspaper! I kept thinking "I bet that's a plot that's coming up" but I had forgotten exactly what it said at this point. Very cool.