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One Piece FULL-LENGTH - Episodes 293 - 296

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



The fandom will never agree on whether or not 'Vice-Captain' means the same as 'First Mate,' especially regarding Zoro. The wiki claims the two terms are often interchangeable, but everyone has a different definition. Oda has outright stated that Zoro is NOT officially the First Mate. Even the Live Action in Japanese dub and their subs avoids saying that. (I think it's not official unless Luffy says it.) My headcanon is based on Buggy's crew system, (where Mohji is First Mate and Cabaji is Chief of Staff, with Alvida being ambiguous) so I firmly think Zoro is default Vice-Captain and Nami is Chief of Staff, and it doesn't have to be official; they just do their jobs. I also think Sanji fills either role as needed when they're absent. Either way, Zoro and Sanji are both "Right Hands" which is why I think Oda doesn't call Zoro the First Mate. Some define VC as the first one to join the crew. This will be inaccurate in some cases, it only fits for some. Some define VC as the one to take over if the captain dies. This is more accurate to real life, but Zoro does not qualify because he's not staying if Luffy dies, right? But the best definition in my opinion is the strongest member under the captain is just called "Number 2" regardless of their VC title or not; Oda also said so about Zoro.


Obviously when it comes down to it, the titles don't matter as you said, they just do their jobs and they know instinctively what they are. In my mind, with absolutely no experience with boats and as someone who gets "port" and "starboard" mixed up basically every time - intuitively first mate reads to me like closest companion, possibly early member, and second strongest. Vice Captain feels like a decision maker. So personally if I were choosing, Zoro is First Mate and Nami is Vice Captain. However, funnily enough, I shouldn't be the one to choose. So maybe one day Luffy will decide that. Maybe the One Piece will require a sign-in form to get into it, and they'll decide then.