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Hello! To those who enjoy my One Piece videos, I ask that you read this.

I am going to try out something new, posting my One Piece reactions to a new channel. It won't start immediately, I'm planning to start from Episode 226 onwards (the start of Water 7). Even if you watch my One Piece videos in Full-Length, I'd appreciate if you could subscribe to the channel and possibly support the videos as they pop up! :)

I'm trying it out for a few reasons: to help others find the One Piece videos, to focus on that niche, possibly allow for more content, less clutter on the main channel, and even gives me the opportunity to potentially do extra One Piece videos other than the reactions (such as cover story reactions, the movies, those Top 5 videos, Live Action, trailers etc.) I'm going to try it out, see how it fits, if it doesn't feel like it's working out I'll move it all back to the main channel.

So if you could, for now, subscribe there as well, that would be amazing! (Don't worry, my Patreon is not splitting off. You can still find the One Piece videos here as always.)



Jeremy Brooks

Subbed! So hyped for Water 7!