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I'm glad that Toph seems like the Toph we know and love. <3


The Legend of Korra FULL-LENGTH - Episode 4x3

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.


Andy Burt

I find myself thinking back to 3x8 when you saw Zelda Williams' name and decided to confirm she was who you thought, and then decided you needed to look up her character to see who it was. That was probably my personal scariest moment of these reactions, and I naturally couldn't risk saying anything at the time lest I inadvertently spoil something. I did consider suggesting at some point that you get one or two more episodes ahead of youtube, because there's always someone who feels an insatiable need to hint at future events, but I missed the window where it would be least suspicious. Maybe for the best. Keep up the good work, we're in the final stretch now and I'm looking forward to your thoughts on what's to come.


Haha, I understand that fear! I would say I'm really good at not spoiling myself while looking things up. Many years of practice and I never look at or read more than I need to, never look at the google autocomplete, never look at the amount of episodes that they're in. Very understandable moment of nervousness on your part though, hahaha.