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Lots of discussion this episode again as we delve into Zaheer's motivations!


The Legend of Korra FULL-LENGTH - Episode 3x9

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



I definitely agree with Zaheer about the White Lotus losing it's purpose. Every scene of them in Korra has shown them to be weak, ineffective bodyguards lol


I think the Pai Sho scene is just to mainly establish just how smart Asami is more than anything. It also plays into a nice parallel with the stakeout. When Asami was winning through strategy, Mako's plan of waiting was successful. When Bolin's was winning with chance, Korra's brashness and taking a chance was the correct move at that time. I'm honestly tend to gravitate female characters more and I see what you mean when sometimes the writing not be fully there with what you said. Not sure if it's been mentioned before but both Kyoshi and Yangchen have books (and audiobook versions as well) that are canon in the Avatar lore.


Yes, I was honestly kinda nervous about my 'Asami/Bolin' part of the discussion because I want to make it clear I was just using it as an excuse to delve into something that I find interesting in the writing of female characters, not something that TLoK did wrong, because you're right, they were using it in this case as a parallel and it was used effectively! I'd love to read those books, I just know realistically I'll never get around to it, haha. The Avatar Legends TTRPG Book has a lot of information about Kyoshi's era (probably info that's in her novels) so I'll learn a decent amount from reading that though.