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Can you guys tell that I kinda like The Legend of Korra...? I don't know if you can tell.


The Legend of Korra FULL-LENGTH - Episode 3x4

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.


Alec Campo

I would give Korra a little more credit lol. She does more than just “airbending punches.” She can make tornados, constantly uses it to enhance her movement, threw Unalaq out of the spirit world with just her airbending and can even do the air scooter. At this point she’s pretty much mastered all 4 elements. As Tenzin said “There is nothing more I can teach you. You are the avatar.”


Very true. Korra's just kinda so good at using all the elements together that I don't even think of her individual airbending much - I remember the punches specifically because that was something she brought out when she had no other bending to distract me from what she was doing. But the tornado that she used to launch Unalaq out of the spirit world WAS dope as fuck, I rewatched that episode a couple days ago and it's so great.