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I'm doing a good job at having my videos in advance recently, so no promises but maybe in the near future, Patreon would get a little more One Piece out of nowhere...


One Piece FULL-LENGTH - Episodes 146 - 147

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



I believe that Oda said in an interview that he's had the final panel of One Piece planned since before he began writing; the journey is the improvised part sometimes. Elsewhere he was asked if the One Piece is something like "the friends we made along the way" to which he confirmed it is actually physical. Furthermore, the series was originally titled "Romance Dawn" but changed which implies the One Piece is important, although the former title may be equally so. For the record, friends are physical last I checked so I theorize/interpret that Oda thinks "The One Piece is not ONLY friends, it's that plus more." People new to the series ask "Why is it taking so long?" but... Logically, the options for why nobody found the One Piece yet are: 1: It never existed. 2: It no longer exists. 3: People can't survive for some reason. 4: It's just hidden real good.


I think people have told me these things before when I started the series - and I kinda forgot them, but that makes sense. Again, I really don't mind whatever the One Piece ends up being, I don't envy Oda having to build up that expectation though hahaha.