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Oh no, Bolin's getting a big head, Korra has amnesia, Asami's getting used, and worst of all, that one guy has two extra toes.


The Legend of Korra FULL-LENGTH - Episode 2x6

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.


Alec Campo

This is honestly probably the most “mediocre” episode of the show and the absence of not only Korra but also Tenzin is felt immensely lol. Those two characters are the shows bread and butter and the two real main protagonists in my opinion. That said I can’t say no to a good boat chase and Asami showing off her expert driving skills. I think that and the Varrick reveal saves this episode for me. It’s so interesting seeing such a goofy character being put in such a malicious light. It’s a really fun twist. I will say from this point on the show gets like really good. It’s kinda like how book 1 of Avatar was kinda slow and then at some point in book 2 something clicked and the show was perfection. I have a similar feeling with Korra at this point in book 2. From this point on I feel like this show is what people talk about when they say “I love the legend of Korra.” Also for the rest of the show we thankfully get the animation studio from book 1 back so expect things to look a lot better from now on (: btw I’m sick of Asami being manipulated 😭😭