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I don't have anything to write in this little description box so I'm just going to write that I love you. :) Whoever is reading this - it's you that I love.


The Legend of Korra FULL-LENGTH - Episode 2x4

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



Here's a bit of obscure bittersweet lore I've been saving. Appa was the last sky bison after the genocide, to be precise the last of his breed (brown arrows). Aang at some point found a small long-lost group of bison of a different breed (peach arrows), that came out of hiding after the war. Appa might have had descendants with them, so the species is not extinct but his breed most likely is. The real difference is the shape of their stripes.

Alec Campo

New patron! So happy you’re keeping an open mind and enjoying Korra. It’s nice seeing someone trying to relate to Korra and understanding that no one is perfect. It’s something that I’ve always like about both Avatar and Korra. Every single major character has their negative and positive traits and it makes the stories they tell feel more impactful and real. I remember when book 2 originally came out, people were giving Korra a hard time. But honestly at 17, the pressure of being the avatar, stopping a war and being manipulated and lied to by your own flesh and blood (father and uncle) would make me a little jerky too. My favorite bits of the show are when Korra lets her walls down, like in the last episode when she had that talk with her mom and dad.


Yeah, I remember before I started the show people said they think Korra is the worst part of her own show - but I really enjoy the characterization of her and the potential for development. And while she's hotheaded and struggles to communicate - that also makes perfect sense due to her age, how the white lotus have treated her, and her lack of social experience. I really admire the storytelling and I like Korra herself a lot, I'm rooting for her.