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So, one of my SSDs died yesterday. Luckily, as far as I can remember - there wasn't too much on it that is unrecoverable. I lost one potential video, but it was a small one and not a big deal. I lost a few clips from Honkai & Genshin, but again - not that big a deal. If it had happened just two days later I would have lost some really vital footage.

But what it has done is set me back - editing for certain videos will take longer since I have to redownload the footage, get footage of the source material and overlay in on top etc. So I'm a bit behind schedule.

Cowboy Bebop 3 FULL is already delayed because of this. If there are late videos this week or next, it's likely because of that. Hopefully, however, I will work hard and not delay much. Please be patient with me, thank you.



You're all good bud, take your time and don't stress over it, shit happens! Thank you for the update ♥️