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Luffy's going BACK?


One Piece FULL-LENGTH - Episodes 506 - 509

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



Before I watch the reaction, happy birthday to Nami today! (3rd of July)

Michael DeArmas

Not fully done with the reaction, so hopefully this isn't a redundant comment by the end, but Baldimore is the name of the country on the island Franky is on. The island itself is called Karakuri Island. Another detail you may have missed, remember the Enel cover stories where he went to the moon? Part of that cover story told us about Dr. Tsukimi, who created those automatons that Enel found on the moon. They showed how he created them, died while eating dumplings and looking at the moon, and then the automatons went up to the moon via balloons. Well the name of the island Dr. Tsukimi was from is Karakuri Island.