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505 was a masterpiece.

(If this video is still processing when you try to watch it, please wait until it is complete. I procrastinated so I uploaded the video late. Throw stones at me.)


One Piece FULL-LENGTH - Episodes 503 - 505

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.


Phillip Barth

I honestly wasn't sure where it would be the most appropriate to post this, so I just picked the last thing I watched. I've been watching your one piece journey for a while and been super enjoying it. So wanted to drop some suggestions of stuff I'd love to watch you react to if your schedule allows for it. You might have seen these already, but wanted to at least post my suggestions for three of my favorite shows ever. 1. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - good chance you've see this one, but it's an absolute must see. Nothing like it exists 2. Welcome to the NHK - the realest show I've ever seen. Very much unknown, but sooo very well written and genuinely interesting. I think it might put you off at first, but will have you crying by the end! 3. Baccano! - would highly recommend the dub (from someone who generally prefers subs). A super fun time with a really interesting way of telling its story Hope to see any of these show up on your patron some day, keep up the good work


I have heard of each of these! And no lie, Gurren Lagann (dub) was scheduled to be my new Tuesday show but I replaced it pretty last minute with Cowboy Bebop. But that means it's pretty likely I'll throw it in when I get an open slot! For reference I've seen and enjoyed Kill la Kill which I know is the same core staff as TTGL so I've had it on my list for a while. As for the other two, I've certainly heard of them - I've heard the same thing about the Baccano dub, guaranteed that I'd watch it dubbed. NHK I have heard of, but haven't had it recommended for the channel before I don't think. I'll keep them all in mind! Thanks for the suggestions!

Jeremy Brooks

That Garp scene always destroys me