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JayKay won, leaving Orkgotik saying, 'RATS!'  Get it?


EARLY ACCESS + BONUS FOOTAGE: Dragula Season 5 Episode 3 Review!

JayKay won, leaving Orkgotik saying, 'RATS!' Get it?



the hilarious ross mathewsfication of alexis p bevels with the queso reference


So for me, para mi, spooky me.... the look the Boulet brothers was giving reminded me of a thing called Uranium glass, which was this type of glassware that was popular between 1880(ish) and WWII, very much in line with the "old timey hotel" period the show was referencing. The color of the glassware came from literal uranium that was added to the glass before the glass was melted to make a piece of dinnerware (e.g. plates, tea cups, serving containers, jewerly). Finished pieces would literally glow under UV light and still do glow if you can get your hands on an original piece (people still actively collect this sort of glassware). Sharing this because Alexis mentions in the video (~13 min mark) that she didn't know what they were referencing but was interested in learning more about it. I'm 90%+ sure this is what they were referencing, especially given the overall color and the use of UV light in the filming but I mean... whose to say right? Also love you guys and sorry you got sick Alexis! Hope you feel better soon! More info here on Uranium glass if you are interested: https://www.decorativecollective.com/blog/a-beginners-guide-to-uranium-glass