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Yvonne Ydid it!


EARLY ACCESS + BONUS FOOTAGE: Drag Race Germany Episode 8 Review!

Yvonne Ydid it!


Sergio Lopez

Reveal the contact photos!!

Matthew D

Hey Type 1 diabetic checking in! Jokes were hilarious but I wanted to provide some free info since we type ones (especially a type 1 trans man like me lol) are unicorns. :) You actually aren’t born with type one diabetes. It’s an autoimmune disease that can happen to anyone at any time based on genetic and environmental factors. Your immune system basically attacks your beta cells, the cells in your pancreas that produce insulin, till they don’t work. Now you can’t produce insulin and will have to manage your blood sugars with insulin therapy for life, as there as no cure. Type 2 is also heavily genetic actually and not always the person’s fault. You basically have to be set up to get it genetically and THEN live an unhealthy lifestyle. Some Type 2s get it no matter what cuz of crap genetics. And for them, they still produce insulin typically, they just become so resistant to it that their body can’t keep up anymore and it’s not enough to regulate blood sugar anymore. I had no family history and got Type 1 when I was 20. I had no idea that could happen but apparently it’s super common. Some researchers suspect T1 can be triggered by viruses or other serious illnesses, and we actually are seeing more T1 cases since the pandemic and post-Covid infections. Most do get it in childhood, you are correct, but it’s super rare for newborns and babies to get it and it’s quite common to get it even into your 40s or later! So ya, low key anyone could get diabetes at any time!!! Isn’t chronic illness fun and exciting? 🌈✨💫🦄 Lmao! I love y’all! PS: Our community does not claim shitty book club lady, Darby! Fuck her!! 💙