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If you're confused why I'm launching this game without a poll, see episode 1 of Infinifactory.

This is a very different game from normal, so I'm going to play Hollow Knight in the way I should've played Terraria: Patreon exclusive live streams, where people are allowed to help when I get stuck.

I want to run these live streams much differently than I do my normal YouTube live streams. Much more chat interaction, including random off-topic stuff, and just going with the flow rather than trying to record with the intention of eventually making a video. Because these livestreams will have a smaller audience, it should be possible for me to engage with every chat member.

Now for the logistics. I think that midday Wednesday is a terrible time for live streams if I want all you patrons to show up, so instead, I will be streaming the Hollow Knight playthrough every Sunday at 3 PM U.S. Eastern, same time as my YouTube livestreams on Tuesday and Thursday, and three hours after my Sunday videos. What you will do is come to my Patreon page on Sunday up to a couple hours before, and see a link to an unlisted YouTube stream (or a countdown until the stream starts). When the stream starts, it will last 2-4 hours, and the link to the VOD will remain on this Patreon page for people who missed it.

Eventually, I would like to have it edited down into a super cut, but that won't happen for a few months. For the length of the playthrough, I will be putting out 4 streams/VODs per month instead of 4 videos.

I have fond memories of streaming Celeste to a small, but enthusiastic, audience four years ago, and I'm hoping Hollow Knight streams will hit the same note. I'm looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday with the first stream!




That's awesome! My main problem with livestreams normally is that I feel like chat interaction doesn't happen as much as it should, so I'm really excited and the timing is basically perfect!


I am very excited