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Sang this back in March. It's not the full version, it was to improve my tone and I run out of breath towards the end, so good thing it's a practice LOL I'm really fond of the song!

Might take this down later though because I'm not confident with covers cough



This song has been on my playlist for a while and its great to see you gave it a chance! Can really see how far you have come trough <3


When your first comment fails to send lol. I like your cover a lot, it has a very serene feeling to it.


Thank you, I'm still trying to get a result I'm happy with (which I never am, ha...). Expect some more mistakes coming your way soon!


So I've heard the original one... Like your cover way more haha.


Still Love this so much. After these past few long work day/weeks, I usually listen to this at least once a night ❤️.