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And, in this special video, we find out why I love my Patrons so much, due to a copyright strike on the video! Apparently you can't use the middle of "Rain must Fall" from the Fallout 4 soundtrack without UMG claiming it. I'm not gonna fight that one, music is particularly weird on Youtube, and I don't think I would win. Next time, strictly McLeod and Dysphorid!


Everything We Know about Fallout 76 (Will it be Good?)

I am aware that the video quality is a bit low in places. I suppose this is due to double-compression from taking clips off Youtube and putting them back onto Youtube. I'll try to fix it for the next video. In the meantime, is Fallout 76 going to be any good? Well, speculation is absolutely possible about a game that we've heard very, very little from, so I shall speculate away for your amusement! Also, this video received a copyright claim from the music at the end. This kind of thing happens from time to time, so make sure you visit Patreon where you can support my content more directly! And also t-shirts and stream priority and early access to certain videos and stuff like that. https://www.patreon.com/Jamesblack47 You can also follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/Blackace42 And join the steam group for reasonably frequent updates: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Jamesblack47SteamHub


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