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By Mirandasdream

Inspired by dreams with Beth

Story contains: Busty babes, sexy babes turned into other babe's boobs, futa babes, babes cumming back and forth, sexy babes being cum back and forth as her wives boobs, a goddess of transformation and togetherness split into 3 people so she can always be with someone, three women merged into one, the universe getting a wedgie, conjoined futa babes.

Millie leaned back, gathering up her massive, plump tits in both arms, giggling a bit at how they overflowed even her arms, mushrooming over and under her forearms, and pushing up to her collarbone and enticing her nuzzle into her own cleavage. Instead, she carefully let go with one hand, her left hand just barely clinging to her heavy right tit as she reached out and grasped a thick, veiny dildo.

Over a foot in length, the thing was comical for most women, but Millie had two things going for her. One, she wasn’t human. She was a goddess, or part of one. It was hard for her to wrap her mind around sometimes. And two, it was a faux copy of her own cock.

Being one third of the goddess of togetherness, she was used to being a lot of things at once, namely both genders, though still self identified as a female, even with more cock than all her past partners put together. It helped that she was bustier than all her past partners, too, and was right this second, twice the woman of anyone else.

“Hey, Millie, are you in here?” Jenny, her wife, and another third of the goddess of togetherness, stuck her head in, her own heavy breasts swinging, barely contained in a bikini top that protected her modesty, what little the raven haired beauty had for modesty anyway. The cloth evaporated like smoke the moment her eyes fell on her wife and the gigantic, jiggly breasts that were all but pinning the blonde to her spot on the couch. “Well look at you! What are you doing all blown up and looking fuckable?”

Millie’s blue eyes flitted from her wife’s brown eyes, to Jenny’s huge, wobbly tits, even if they didn’t hold a candle to her current, paler, orbs, and then down to the huge, throbbing cock that was slowly coming to attention. Even flaccid, she and her wives didn’t shrink much. “Just giving some relaxation time to our wife.”

“Oh, ho!” Jenny grinned, stepping up to the couch, her own cock sliding along the hard length of Millie’s own massive member, until both woman’s length’s were rubbing against each other’s pussies, both women purring at the feeling, pleased to feel the pleasures of both genders at the moment. “Is that Daisy in there?”

Rather than wait for Millie to answer, the raven haired babe leaned forward, her hard nipples digging into to the dinner sized areola of her wife, her cock head and Millie’s popping past each other’s entrances as the pair entered each other at the same time, Jenny’s knees shaking at the delicious intrusion, and feeling her wife’s pussy lovingly squeeze her own cock as she mashed her tits into the massive, soft pair of Millie.

The two women started a slow fuck, easing a foot of cock each in and out of each other in simultaneous delight. Knowing just how to please her blonde wife, Jenny blushed as and demurely stared her down before with a quick flex of power, she suddenly had two heads, identical in every way to her original, right down to the minds inside. The two Jenny’s shared a smirk before beginning to rain attention down on Millie from two points of view. One would steal kiss after kiss from Millie’s own sweet lips, while the other Jenny would nibble along Millie’s neck, up to her ear and breathing just the way to drive the blonde crazy as her body-mate did her best to tie their tongues in a knot.

In a rush, Millie hit her limit and came hard, blasting a massive load of cum into Jennys’ shared womb, and squeezing hard on their mega cock. A rush of presence came along with it all, and to keep things at least partially stable, Jenny let her two selves collapse back into a single person as her breasts began inflating massively as she collapsed into the other side of the couch.

Even with both women gasping, and at opposite ends of the couch, their long cocks were still partially inside each other. Jenny, with her orgasm right on the cusp, was still rock hard, and with her needy pussy working Millie’s cock that was still inside her, the blonde was quickly getting hard again. But what was really grabbing Jenny’s attention, was the new presence in her body.

“Daisy, is that you?”

A horny giggle answered her.

“You silly bimbo boobies.” Jenny gathered up her tits in an unconscious mimicry to Millie’s a short time ago. “Look how big and sensitive you’ve blown up my tits.”

Millie, her own boobs back to their ‘normal’ size, still much larger than her own head and a similar size to what Jenny had walked into the room with, sat up fully and began pushing herself closer to her wife, both woman groaning in delight as their cocks drove into each other’s wombs. Eager to give as good as she’d gotten, Millie began to repeat everything Jenny had just given her, from the slow fuck, to the hard nipples digging into the heavy Daisy-boobs, and even the extra heads, the two Millies delighting in each other’s presence as they drove their wife to orgasm, feeling Daisy rush back into their shared body and letting themselves blend back into a single Millie.

“Oh fuck, baby!” Jenny panted, massaging her shrunk back to normal tits, missing Daisy’s presence as her boobs. “You know how to make two very happy wives.”

“Agreed.” Daisy thought, possibly. She was a bit of a horny mess inside of Millie who was still sorting through the two sets of memories her fusion had left her with, enjoying the sex with Jenny from two points of view.

“Wanting to go again?” Millie asked, a bit of an impish smirk playing at her lips, her Daisy-boobs feeling like they wanted to fuck Jenny in full.

“You horny bitch.” Jenny growled as both of their cocks hardened again and the two women started thrusting together again.

Back and forth they went, over and over again, each orgasm coming closer to the last, each one trading Daisy back and forth with her two wives, getting plenty of attention from both her wives before finally the blonde and raven haired babes orgasms finally lined up and they came together, and all three women collapsed together into a single orgasmic point.

For the trio of wives, being combined into a single self, into the actual Goddess of Transformation was existential, and like they were blending together in a sea of pleasure, before the trio as one gasped as one and spun apart.

Well, almost.

Popping back into material existence was a single body, wide hips more than any of the three wives had individually, four massive tits, two stacked above two, a single, juicy pussy that was all three of theirs combined, along with three thick cocks that reached all the way to their knees, only two arms and hands to tease and please this incredible body, and all three heads, arranged Millie, Daisy and Jenny sharing a single, narrow set of shoulders, all smiling in the afterglow of several hours of truly amazing orgasms.

“Thanks babes.” Daisy panted, speaking for the first time aloud that day. “That was exactly what I needed today.”

“Our pleasure.” Jenny nuzzled her pink haired wife, feeling Millie give Daisy a peck on her cheek, as if the lips and cheek were all her own.

“We love you, babe.” Millie added.

Daisy just nuzzled deeper into the big snuggly couch, feeling her wives around her like this when they all shared a body was like a never ending hug, and was exactly the end to an amazing day that she could have asked for.

~Fin, for now.


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