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By MirandasDream

Contains: Cum somehow blasting all the way through. Butt stuff. Futa Goblins, Ridiculous hourglass blonde elves, blue hair, wobbly bootys, tig biddies, proper use of portals. Misuse of portals. Misuse of a futa goblin. Giving reality a wedgie.


Jo sighed and looked at the little shop before. It always hurt her head to step into her girlfriends little mad magic shack, it was smaller on the outside.

No, really. On the outside, a tiny shack, barely big enough to have been a phone booth, assuming that Jo knew what a phone booth was, which she didn’t. Her girlfriend who had spied one through a dimensional gates had tried to explain it, to both their regrets. On the other hand, stepping through the door, something Jo had found difficult recently, one would find a room the size of a warehouse, filled with various magical items and devices, stem to stern, ceiling to floor, with a small maze threading it’s way through.

The last time Jo had been in there, she’d gone from a skinny, but otherwise normal-looking human being, to someone that had elfish features, the eyes, the ears, the cheekbones, the waistline, but also a pair of breasts that made the bustiest of races green with envy, and an ass that had recently broken a chair made for an orc to sit in.

She rather liked the changes, especially the change in height, matching her girlfriend, a goblin, at least she was the last time Jo had seen her, with a thick booty and thighs much like Jo herself, but she was sporting a cock as long as Jo’s forearm and at least as thick, and was well known for having once choked an ettin who’d tried to win a blowjob contest against the little goblin. And ettin’s… had two heads, so the little goblin of course sported two massive, thick, green cocks.

“Gira?” Jo leaned her head through the small door, marveling again at the massive size of the little shack. Not hearing an answer to her call, she started the arduous process of getting through the shack door. Like most doors since her change, this involved getting one of her heavy, wobbly ass cheeks through the door, along with the leg that went with it. Holding herself sideways as she fit first one large, beach ball sized tit, then the other, along with the rest of her upper torso, followed finally by her other ass cheek and leg, making her way fully across the threshold.

Jo let the door swing shut behind her as she stood fully inside, lightly dusting off her curves where they’d bushed the door.

Walking forward, and meandering a touch through areas she knew more well than others, she found a sound emitting from deeper in, and followed her pointy ears.

Turning a corner she was shocked to see her girlfriend, Gira, bouncing up and down on a wide chair. The goblin gal’s bright blue hair bouncing along with her heavy tits, and her cocks utterly missing. Instead was a ring on her otherwise nude crotch, a circle about the size of her massive schlongs now in its place.

Beneath her, on the chair she was bouncing on, was a perfect, thick, amazing cock rising up out of a brass ring like the one on Gira’s crotch, but instead of a glowing, empty portal, it was utterly filled with dick. A dick that was thrusting in and out of Gira’s back door. Her second cock was also pushing out of the ring, and was of course occupying her front door, more colloquially known as her pussy.

“Did… you find a way to like… remove your cock or something?”

“Guh!” Gira intelligently responded, her eyes rolling back in what Jo recognized as one of her ‘ball quaking’ orgasms. She opened her mouth to try again, but instead hiccuped, as cum spurted out of her nose. Jo, well versed in all the biological shortcuts and bypasses in both their bodies, stepped up and kissed Gira, and in the same breath, stole a gulp of cum as Gira spasmed in orgasm again.

The short goblin tried to stand, gasping at the rush of sensation, and hiccuping another load of cum as she finished herself off with her plump cheeks before finally freeing herself.

“Th-that was… a lot.” Gira explained, having to gulp in between as she cleaned herself off, Jo helping with the soft, green breasts that dominated Gira’s short torso.

“Ok, so no, not separate.” Gira reached down to the glowing ring at her crotch, and as she gingerly lifted it away, the cock on the chair slowly sunk into it as it seemed to sprout from her crotch again. Before her lover’s eyes, Gira’s dick vanished into one of the rings and appeared out the other, until with a light tug, and a moan from the goblin, the ring came free, and her once more hard cock bobbed in place, back where it was supposed to be. Taking it over to the ring on the chair, the new rings snapped together into a single, brass band with just enough shimmer to it to denote it’s magical signature. “Portals.”

“Portals?” Jo glanced at the ring, still trying to wrap her mind around what she’d seen.

Gira stuck two fingers inside the single brass band, and, seemingly stretching it out into a huge hula-hoop of a ring, slid it over Jo’s top half, before shrinking it back down to fit perfectly around Jo’s waist. “Portals.”

With a pop, the brass band became two separate rings again, and Jo found her top half in her lover’s arms, massive pale tits against a smaller, but not less ‘massively buxom’ green pair, while her lower half took a few tentative steps, utterly separate from the rest of her.

“Ah.” Jo said as Gira sat her down on the chair next to the one she’d so recently been ‘buttfucking’ her big wobbly goblin wonder-ass with. “Portals.”

“Yep. What goes in one ring.” Gina ran a hand through her blue hair before gesturing at Jo’s wandering hips and legs, and the brass ring on top of them. “Comes out the other half.”

Jo looked down at herself, truncated at her thinnest spot, then at the pair of legs she was absently making pace back and forth. “Oh. Wow this could be fun on trips and stuff.”

“Not really.” Gina gestured to the hips, beckoning them back to her, which Jo obliged, carefully turning her hips around and walking back to the goblin and ‘half-elf’ now in two meanings of the word. “If the rings get more than a few meters apart-.” She made a pop noise with her mouth. “The magic can’t keep up and you pop back into one piece.”

“Gotcha.” Jo nodded, glad her lover had at least thought ahead to a few safety measures for when the magic was stretched too thin. “Still testing it out?”

Gina blushed a very becoming shade of cyan, and gestured to her cock. “More like I was wondering… if I could have your tits pushing against me from one side, and your ass from the other.”

“The things I do for love.” Jo rolled her eyes as her hips got close enough. Though she later had to admit, mashing her tits into her ass while grinding all four huge spheres around her lover’s cocks was just incredible.

With one cock firmly stuck in her cleavage, the green contrasting in a rather lovely fashion with her own pale, perfect skin, Jo helped rangle her own ass to squeeze around Gira’s other cock, using her hangs to guide the cock between the cheeks, and flexing her glutes to hold the still sticky, wet monster slab of goblin meat in place.

Giving Gira a mischievous look, and not waiting to see if the so recently orgasmed cock monster that was Jo’s girlfriend was ready, Gira started vigorously working her tits up and down one of Gira’s green cocks, and working her thighs to slide her ass up and down the goblin’s other fat dong.

Gira moaned in pleasure, resting a hand on Jo’s hip and another on… well it would be Jo’s waist if that area hadn’t been bifurcated by the portal rings. Instead, two fingers or so were on the ring while the remaining two and thumb clung to Jo herself, twitching lightly in pleasure. Jo for her part kept working both cocks with both the curviest spots on her body, before reaching out with one hand to tuck Gira’s currently butt pleasured cock into her own back door, using her free hand to gently guide the head of the tit-fucked cock between her own lips.

Gira spasmed at the change in venue, bucking her hips and sending her cock far up in Jo’s ass, and down Jo’s throat at the same time. Jo snapped her eyes wide as she realized how close Gira had just come to making her cocks meet in the middle thanks to all the various shortcuts and internal adjustments for better sex and to cater to their own mutual fetishes of being able to blow cum all the way through their own ‘ports’.

The two women in three spots kept going, pushing Gira’s cocks deeper with each thrust and making Jo moan as her big wobbly ass and cock hungry throat were both wonderfully stretched as Gira and her kept fucking.

But it wasn’t until the final thrust that everything went haywire.

First, pushed to the limit, either Jo was just squished enough from the two cocks thrusting up into her ass and down her throat at the same time, and the two cock heads smacked together in the same thrust, their fat tips already primed with precum squashed together and the sensation pushing Gira over the edge.

The two cockheads pushed together the way they were, the short circuity happening between how that could happen, the different biological and magical stuff going on in both women’s bodies, the cum tried to escape somehow INTO each cock from the other and finding an equal pressure of cum, instead making Gira’s balls instead swell up to the size of softballs.

Gira’s goblin balls? Thanks to a few spells, they never seemed to be there when it was inconvenient for them to be there, but always there when it was time for a good healthy blast of cum, like at that moment.

The overload of cum pleasure, the double orgasm from both cocks, the mental feedback loop of feeling both Jo’s ass and tits on Gira’s cocks at the same time, and feeling her cocks smack together inside of her elf girlfriend, and without thinking, Gira grabbed the rings.

Grabbed, and pulled.

With a surprised shriek from the two women, mostly from Gira as Jo’s mouth was full at the time all the way through, and the rings pulled in a way they weren’t meant to as pulling on one in one direction would draw whatever was passing through them one way or the other, but not both at the same time. The loop of cock inside of Jo, along with the complicated portal work going on contributed as well as the ring was drawn up her upper torso, and down her lower body, when only one of those things should have been possible, and Gira caught in the middle, reality itself seemed to shriek as the two rings snapped together the wrong way, swallowing the two women up in one orgasmic blast and shrinking down to a small brass ball.

The ball trembled in the suddenly silent room for a moment.

It paused for the next moment.

And then exploded in all directions as the magic ran out, reality got over the wedgie that magic had given it, and as designed the portal rings contained within the small brass shell shorted out and brought the two women back.

Only instead of how they’d started the day, the broken portal safeguards had dropped the two women back into reality a bit different than they’d left it.

They now shared a single body, the coloring split down the middle. They only had two legs, with the correct number of feet for that, one green and one in a pale white. Their ass had grown even larger. If Jo had thought she’d been hippy with a big wobbly ass before, their combined ass was now so big and soft it overwhelmed even the specially built chair for Gira’s ass in a way that made the chair nigh unusable now. Their pussy and ass tingled, both holes now twice as sensitive and divided in color along the same lines as the rest of their hips. Above their half-and-half pussy were two massive, thick cocks, one the green Gira had always sported on her cocks, but the second one was now a thick pale one, matching Jo’s skin tone.

Their waist was if anything, somehow even skinnier than before, which really said something when they got to their chest. While Gira’s green tits had been massive before, and Jo’s easily half again bigger, now any one of their breasts was the size of all four of their individual breasts added together, and they had three that size, one in Gira’s skin tone, one in Jo’s, and a center breast that was divided down the middle.

Their head as well was a single thing, split down the middle, with one sharp, long green goblin ear bobbing on one side, and a matching pale, pointed, matched in size elf ear on the other side.

“Waargh -ah to-h-AH!” The combined woman started to say before with a slight pop, the two women split into two separate heads, each back to having their own shade and coloring for their own head, slightly to the left or right on their matching shoulder than the centered position they’d held before, and for all their lives previous to today.

“Woah, ok, that’s our heads.” Jo tried to shift right, then left. “What about the rest of us?”

“Huh?” Gira blinked, still trying to do an internal audit of a very complicated body. “What?”

“We got our heads apart-.” Jo started before Gira took over their lungs to give a soft laugh.

“Yeah, I think the rest of us are a little more used to be mashed together than our heads were, dear.” Jo gestured to their incredible, oversexed, ridiculously curvy body. “I don’t think that’s coming apart easily.”

“Well… um…” Jo frowned and looked down at her body and how it blended and was sharing space with her girlfriends, and found herself unsure if she even wanted to ask the next question. “Can you separate the rest of us?”

“Possibly?” Gira shrugged their shoulders as one pale hand pushed a green cock into their pale cleavage, and a green hand pulled their pale cock into their green cavernous valley. “But between inflating our tits and what happened with our cocks, we can now titfuck ourselves just walking around. Why change now?”

Jo would have responded, if she hadn’t stuffed that lovely green cock back between her lips, thrilling at finally getting to feel her lover’s cocks, and moaning into that same green dick when she felt a set of lips wrap around the pale cock in Gira’s cleavage.

As the two women started to self-titfuck their dual cocked, three titted body, they mutually let the matter drop. After all, after you’d been gobbled by a goblin portal and spit back out unsplit and mixed with your mixed up lover, what else could you do but suck some double dongs and see what it took to empty their newly inflated balls?

Just a normal day when you were dating a goblin.


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