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EliCass, or just Eli to her friends, or ‘mom’ to one very rambunctious 20 something she’d given birth to, was adjusting her apron when she felt a pair of powerful arms wrap around her waist. She caressed them with own hands, moaning as the two sets of powerfully built appendages blended together as smoothly as two drops of water commingling.

The hands, hers and her lovers, slid under the apron, up her well muscled abs, to squeeze her perky, tight breasts. She’d been pleased at her age that her frequent workouts and healthy diet had kept them as fun and playful as they’d been in her 20s, and she should know, she’d seen her daughter’s, and the two could, and did, happily go tit to tit.

And speaking of them, the lovely pair of tits behind her sank into her as smoothly as their arms had meshed, her own tits, now becoming ‘their’ tits, swelled in response, adding all the volume Eli and her lover had to offer to one very nice set of pleasing plump pair. She tugged her nipples just as her lover used their hands to tweak them just right, making both women moan as the rest of their torsos, then legs blended together, Eli’s lover’s head sliding into place right next to her own, just to Eli’s right.

“Hey mom.” Amber moaned as she felt their pussy nearly vibrating.

“Amber, sweetie, when we’re conjoined it’s Eli.” Eli moaned too, she loved this feeling, two women in one, that taboo of who they were to each other, and of course sharing a pussy that felt so wet it might just slide off their shared body at any moment, figuratively speaking. It was all just a wonderful conglomeration of fuckable fun.

“What’s got you so turned on?” Amber nuzzled Eli’s cheek, the older woman panting at the feel of her sharp jawline being kissed by the raven haired goth slut that now shared a body, and especially sex drive, with the older goth woman.

“Been thinking about you all day.” Eli partly fibbed. She’d also been thinking of her girlfriend, Belle, who worked with Eli at the gym as a fellow instructor. They’d recently started a class on conjoined sensual yoga, and Eli’s sex life, between her frequent romps with Amber, and with Belle, and anyone else who took her fancy, had the raven haired woman feel 20 years younger.

Or maybe that was just Amber’s pussy mixing so often with her’s.

“Ah!” Eli cried out as they tugged their nipples again, just the way the conjoined mother/daughter pair liked. “Is this the FUSE you use at work?”

“The kind that keeps the people using it stuck at how horny they were, at a minimum, the moment they conjoined, leaving a lovely pair of horny sluts like us stuck so horny we can barely see straight if we conjoin when we’re turned on, and trapped sharing a body that stays that way no matter how often we cum until we separate, putting us both in danger of cumming so much we might get stuck together?”

Eli desperately nodded her head.

“Maybe.” Amber playfully answered before using one finger to turn her mother’s head so the two could mash their lips together.

“Oh fuck.” Eli said after the two came up for air, their hands undoing their apron, the only thing she’d been wearing, to find that Amber had already stripped off her usual gothic garb, leaving the two as nude as the day they were born, something that thrilled Eli to have been part of for Amber in more ways than one. “Then what’s got you so turned on?”

“Jezi and I FUSEd today.”

Eli blinked. She knew her daughter well and just how long the hot young goth had wanted to jump into the same pair of jeans with her boss and bring the conjoined pair home in a pair of wildly too tight Wranglers to introduce her to Eli.

Or slide into a shared pair of leather hip hugging wonders that Eli had specifically bought for when she and Amber conjoined as it showed off just how well Eli and Amber’s ass worked together, and go out and meet this lovely redhead Eli had heard so much about.

If anything, the mysterious redhead Amber worked with had been as much of a roadblock to Eli and Amber moving to another stage in their admittedly wonky relationship as Eli’s relationship with her girlfriend. Every time the mother/daughter pair had tried to invite the two women out to meet each other’s respective cj partner, one or the other had been busy with one of their other partners, and crushes.

Eli had been hoping Amber would take the plunge and just conjoin with the redhead, and it sounds like a conflict in work schedule had finally made it happen.

“Good for you dear.” Eli nuzzled against Amber’s cheek.

“Moooommmm.” Amber laughed and tried playfully to push away her mother’s head, despite the problem of sharing a pair of shoulders with her.

“So how many times did you cum?”

Amber let out a whimper. “Not a one. We were too busy!”

“Oh my.” Eli blinked, no wonder she felt so close to cumming just standing in the kitchen with me.

“That and I think the whole thing was still too new…” Amber fiddled with their nipples. She’d gotten her’s pierced recently and together like this it made both women want to drop to their knees with just a flick. “Buttttttt… I think I’ll finally get her to be there when you introduce me to Belle.”

“Assuming you and I don’t get stuck in the meantime.” Eli kissed Amber on the cheek, their hands still playing with their nipples, though mostly just to take the dumbells running through them out. They’d learned to do that before any heavy sex, and this felt like it might be a wild ride.”

“Ohhhh?” Amber grinned, kissing Eli back. “Think we can finally get stuck in the next hour?”

Eli knew what the young goth meant, that was about all that was left of the dose she’d taken for work, and it fit her own timetable perfectly. “Maybe not, but when the Brittney’s come over.”

Amber gasped, her eyes going wide. Brittney and Brittney were their next door neighbors, a lovely pair of blondes who looked similar enough to be twins and fucked hard enough to be cats in heat. “YOU DIDN’T TELL ME THEY WERE COMING OVER!”

“Thought it might be fun to have them over for dinner.” Eli innocently supplied as she felt their body tensing, wanting to run in a thousand directions at once. She loved feeling her body having this much energy and need to move. “A little eating in…”

“A little eating out.” Amber finished the pairs favorite joke. Their hands reached up, their fingers dragging through Amber’s raven black hair then through Eli’s own black, a few streaks of white already showing up at the mature woman’s age. “Hmm, want to dye your hair before they come over.”

Eli snorted. “They’ve seen it when it’s half and half. Why, do you not like a bit of white with my black?”

Amber snorted, doing the exact same nose wrinkle as her mother. “No, I love the contrast.” Both between white and black, and between herself and Eli. “I meant, should we make ourselves look more similar since we know what look they’ll be going for?”

Eli cackled at that. “No, let’s just be us.”

“Two conjoined, goth, counter culture, buff muscle mommies in one, gotcha.” Amber nodded, letting their fist rest on their hips and thrusting their tits forward, before both women burst into laughter.


Brittney and Brittney gave each other one last lookover. Well, as much as they could when sharing a single pair of shoulders, and a pair of tits so big and inflated they literally hadn’t seen their feet in years. They looked up to each other’s tall, blonde hair and gave a giggle. It was ridiculous to have a beehive hairdo in this era, but then that was kind of the point. They looked like over inflated sex dolls that some mad scientist with a bimbo fetish had merged together and they loved it.

Sharing a quick kiss, they eagerly reached up to knock.

And like magic, the door opened just before their left hand made it to the door.

And the gothic goddess before them couldn’t have made their shared pussy wetter.

Eli and Amber looked absolutely gorgeous together, Amber with her raven black hair and bangs threatening to hide her beautifully done up eyes, flashing with desire, Eli with her black and white hair and maturity that Amber didn’t have pulling the pair of bimbo blondes forward and into their powerfully built arms. The Brittneys hands stroked over the tight corset the pair we wearing up to the mother/daughter’s pair of large, naked breasts, then down to their lovely, nude pussy, the blonde’s purring as they felt their own shared pussy come to life.

Amber and Eli kissed the pair of Brittney’s fiercely before turning and pushing them deeper into the living room, a swing of the goth pairs hips shutting the door behind them.

Plopping down onto the couch, Brittneys felt like their eyes were spinning as Amber and Eli knelt down and gently, but commandingly, spread the blondes’ single pair of legs apart before diving beneath their flowy, sundress they’d come in wearing and Amber and Eli oohing in delight that the Brittneys hadn’t bothered with panties.

The raven haired pair didn’t just eat the blondes out, they devoured them, leaving the pair of blondes moaning and writhing, making out with each other and smearing their lipstick even as Amber and her mother left black lipstick marks of their own on the blondes’ shared thighs.

Finally loosened up, the blondes slid off the couch feeling a bit like their bones had been made of jelly, and their brains had been drained into their big, sensitive tits. Eli and her daughter carefully removed Brittneys’ sundress, smoothing it out and gently folding it, leaving it on the couch before lowering themselves and tangling their legs together with the blondes’.

The four women in two bodies began a grind then, their four pussies merged down to two rubbing together, plump lips kissing as deeply as Amber and Eli were, along with the Brittneys doing their best to keep up with each other as their clits slid up and down each other’s soft, wet wonders.

A fun way to spend after work hours for Amber, but for Eli, it was a great way to start a day before heading into work at the gym.


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