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Author's notes: contains MF Fusion, dual gender results of course, alliteration, fit babes with inflating titties and a touch of jealousy. But how will I sort it out? Not in this chapter that's for sure.

Danny… or Danni… or Danniella… She… he? She? Hadn’t decided yet.

On… any of that.

In the mirror was a gorgeous 20 something, with a swimmer’s build, a plump pair of tear drop shaped breasts with cute suckable nipples, a pair of hips that’d be amazing to hang onto during sex, an incredible pair of abs, and flexing her… Her.

She gave a smirk at the mirror, running one hand over her incredible abs to cup her heavy balls, while her other arm hefted her nice, perky tits. “Gender? I’m feeling gender as FUCK today.”

Flexing her arms, a matching pair of biceps, with a nice pair of thighs and calves that could open beer bottles. Or get her a beer.

Oh, and a hefty cock that felt intimately familiar in her hands, or utterly alien. She wasn’t sure on that part yet.

Oh, and then there was her head.

Her face was a beautiful 20 something with sparkling blue eyes and a ski slope nose. Kinda matching her nipples with that. High cheekbones, and a jawbone so strong that… well it hinted at heritage for sure. But it was the brain she was talking about.

About an hour ago, she was a young man named Daniel, Danny to his mom of course. He’d woken up with the power to reshape reality and the first thing he’d done is wished to be closer to the women in his life, especially his mother. Which was what led to this head ALSO containing the mind of someone who’d been the fourty, nearing fifty, mother of Danny.

Danny and Mom. No, wait, Daniel and … Ella… no, it’s…

Daniella, she settled on. That was a good name for her. Daniella smiled at her reflection and was a touch star struck at the brilliant smile that flashed back at her.

“I really shouldn’t be turned on by myself.” She said aloud, still holding, or hefting, her monster cock and blushed, giving it a quick stroke. “But I really, really am.”

But back to her mind. Their mind? No, there was definitely just one of her in here. One sense of self, but two points of view.

How did that work?

It felt kinda like she was sitting in a car, hands on the steering wheel. One body of… knowledge? Memory? Yep. One of whatever that represented, but also that… body of ‘Daniella’ had two heads. Two points of view. But it wasn’t exactly Ella and Danny. It was more like… Dan-la and El-ny… or something. They were twins. No argument, but able to look left and right at the same time before crossing the street… Or maybe the metaphor was getting away from her. She was certainly feeling a touch cross eyed thinking about it.

“This much cock really makes me a bimbo, huh?” Daniella laughed, giving it a few extra pumps, loving how it made her balls swing, almost hard enough to smack her own pussy hidden somewhere behind and below them. It was probably the two sex drives in one body scrambling her brains a bit.

And both Danny and Ella had never been ‘light’ in the sexual need department.

Speaking of which… Where was Chloe? She’d been… dating… Chloe… Well, Danny had been dating her. She still thought of herself as Danny, past a certain point in her memories. But also could remember having lunch with her, ‘just us girls’ and thinking of her as her future daughter-in-law… but damn she’d been scrumptious. If it hadn’t been stealing from her own son, she’d have scooped that sexy bunch of yum up and…

“Well, I guess both of us finding her hot isn’t really a problem anymore, is it?” She smirked and started pumping her massive dick a little quicker. “But yeah, where’s Chloe?”

“You called?” Chloe leaned into the bedroom and stopped dead still.

So did Danniella, her cock throbbing as the two women looked at each other.

Chloe looked like she wanted to yell and run away… or possibly pounce and wrap her plump lips around Danniella’s cock and drain those balls straight into her stomach. Honestly, fair. If it’d been a bit longer, Danniella would have done it herself.

“Uh, hey Chloe, it’s… me?”

Chloe blinked her green eyes, her hand going up to her towel wrapped hair, long red strands already escaping. “Holy fuck. Danny?”

Wow, smarter than I-’ She mentally smacked herself in the face, unsure which part of her was thinking that, she’d always thought Chloe was clever. “Yeah, basically. I mean, you’re half right.”

“And… Your voice… Those tits… Ella?”

“That’d be the other half, yeah. Danny woke up this morning with the power to reshape reality and was wanting the women in his life to be closer to him so…”

“Ella was at the top of the list.” Chloe stepped into the room, her curvaceous form looked devastating wrapped in just a towel, the top slipping down to just show the hint of her wide areola that Danniella desperately wanted to tug down and give each of those big gum drop nipples a hard suck. “It’s a good look.”

“Th-thanks.” Danniella tried to straighten up, but it only seemed to thrust her cock towards Chloe, making the monster thing look bigger and thicker… or was that her power.

“Planning on splitting back up?”

“Not really.” Danniella shook her head. The parts of her, and they were rapidly shrinking, that was still distinctly Danny or Ella didn’t seem in any rush to regain their independence. In fact, if Danniella had to put a description on it, they seemed to be… Fucking, or mixing together as fast as they could get themselves too.

“So if your power merged the two of you two together, and you were thinking of getting closer to the women in your life, if you and I jumped in that bed right now,” Chloe gave her a smirk that sent a thrill straight down Danniella’s spine and into her cock, making her pussy tremble in delight, “would we merge too?”

“Only one way to be sure.” Danniella purred, giving in to her inhibitions and snatching the towel off, much to Chloe’s squealing delight.

The two tumbled straight into bed, Chloe quickly moving on top. She paused and bit her lip, looking through half lidded eyes down at Danniella on her back, a thrill running up the red head’s spine to see not just her handsome boyfriend, but his gorgeous mother in Danniella’s panting, needy expression before slowly lowering her plump pussy over the thick cock head, moaning as a cock she’d had in her many, many times felt completely new as it pushed inside of her.

Danniella shivered, and Chloe braced herself for what would come next, already feeling the brunette’s strong hands, the pressure familiar, the shape and length new, as Danniella grasped her hips and squeezed.

But the sudden thrust up as Chloe had gotten used to Danny doing never came. Chloe whimpered and looked into Danniella’s eyes. Those knowing, brown, eyes. Danniella, well, the part of her that was Ella knew what a woman liked, what a woman in control would like anyway, and she was going to make Chloe slide down that massive cock all on her own.

“You bitch.” Chloe moaned as she eased her way down another few inches.

“Takes one to know one.” Danniella purred back, reaching up and giving Chloe’s thick nipples a tug. To both their surprise, Chloe’s nipples not only hardened and thickened, but got a decent amount bigger as well. Chloe gasped and Danniella found herself grinning. She LOVED big boobs. While as Ella she’d always had an impressive set, made even more so years ago by the arrival of Danny, had fully doubled the Ds she was already packing. But then, merging together, Danniella’s perky plump pair of people pleasing calcium canons had changed quite a bit.

Chloe’s however…

Ever the fitness nut, Chloe worked as an instructor at the local gym, Danniella could remember her svelte, curvy form was clad in yoga pants and a sports bra that really emphasized what the redhead had to offer, but for Danniella and her new powers, the brunette wanted even more to play with.

Feeling playful, Danniella pushed down with her hips, making her cock slip back from Chloe an inch, and the redhead whimper in need as Danniella sat up and carefully sucked one of those big gum drop nipples between her lips. Part of her wanted to playful, and blow up Chloe’s boobies like balloons, but she had something even more fun in mind.

The two began fucking in earnest then, between Danniella’s menstrations to Chloe’s newly enhanced nipples, and the craziness of it all, Chloe felt like she’d never been wetter and easily started taking the full length of Danniella’s cock, rolling her hips in a way that just demanded the cum from any partner she’d had before, and Danniella was no exception.

In under a minute, Danniella was tugging Chloe’s nipples as she blasted the inside of Chloe’s womb with what felt like a gallon of cum. Flowing up inside her, warming her, filling her…

Filling her tits!

Chloe gasped as before her eyes her own perky tits with their plump nipples practiced their ABC’s as they rapidly headed towards the second half of the alphabet.

“Fffffuck! Danniella! My tits!”

“Grow you big fucking horny bitch!” Danniella demanded, living out one of her own fantasies with every drop of cum her tense balls squeezed up her shaft and into Chloe, inflating the redhead’s tits bigger and bigger.

With a delighted, orgasmic scream, Chloe rolled off of Danniella, the last thick rope of cum splattering over them both. Danniella couldn’t resist scooping up a bit of it and sucking her finger clean as Chloe squirmed watching her, both gasping when Danniella’s tits grew a bit too.

“So…” Chloe breathed it out, finally catching her breath. “Was that a one time thing or-.”

The yoga instructor squealed in delight as Danniella slid off the end of the bed, taking her legs along for the ride, so that Chloe was face down on the bed and Danniella was standing behind her. With a quick thrust, Danniella was balls deep in her girlfriend, before leaning forward to squeeze Chloe’s newly grown boobs from the sides. “I’m not gonna stop till these fucking balloons are the size of beachballs.”

Chloe shuddered on her girlfriend’s cock and smirked over her shoulder at her lover. “Do your worst, bitch.”

Meanwhile, a pair of green eyes glared from the window. “Fuck her all you want, Danny. That power is going to be all mine the moment you’re done.”


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