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Inspired by this tweet: https://twitter.com/samesameyes/status/1646188350804746241


Madison - A confident and outgoing girl with blonde hair and a starting bust size of 34B.

Jasmine - A shy and reserved girl with black hair and a starting bust size of 32C.

Brianna - A feisty and energetic girl with red hair and a starting bust size of 36D.

Isabella - A sweet and caring girl with brown hair and a starting bust size of 30A.

Emma - A studious and intellectual girl with blonde hair and a starting bust size of 32B.

Sophia - A sophisticated and elegant girl with black hair and a starting bust size of 34C.

Lily - A bubbly and cheerful girl with red hair and a starting bust size of 36B.

Chloe - A sassy and rebellious girl with blonde hair and a starting bust size of 32D.

Olivia - A quiet and introspective girl with brown hair and a starting bust size of 30B.

Ava - A free-spirited and adventurous girl with black hair and a starting bust size of 34D.


Ten attractive women stood around doing what tends to happen when you get college coeds gathered together, bitch about classes, professors, and partners.

And of course, a few were smart enough to wonder about the day’s coming events.

“So have you heard about this... FWS company?” Emma, a slim blonde girl well known among the others for being studious and a bit of an intellectual, adjusted the cow print bikini over her 32B sized bust, glancing at Isabella, a girl with long brown hair and pretty brown eyes and probably the only girl here smaller than Emma at a 30A.

“Yep!” Isabella grinned, giving Emma a quick hug. “They’ve got, like, potions and sprays? They can tottttallly reshape you.”

“Reshape me?” Emma blinked. “Wait, I remember reading something about that in the release we signed.”

“I’ve used them before.” Madison, the confident and outgoing blonde fluffing her wild mane of hair, her own small 34B giving a bounce. “Actually, I had to take a ‘reversal’ a few days ago to qualify.”

“Oh is that why you seem a bit different than normal?” Brianna, a feisty and energetic redhead with a 36D that kept threatening to pop out of her own cow-print bikini leaned over and gave Madison a quick poke in her own modest bust.

Madison simply straightened her shoulders, thrusting her girls out as far as they could when next to someone like Brianna. “Hey, I used it to have longer legs.”

Those in the group that knew Madison from the volleyball team all nodded knowingly. She was a force to be reckoned with on the court, and the extra boost of a few inches had only made her that much more so.

“Maybe that’s why we’re all here?” Olivia, a brunette who looked a touch uncomfortable with only the cow print bikini covering her own 30B chest. When everyone’s eyes fell on her she blushed and looked down to her feet, shuffling them in the cute cow print leggings she was wearing that, like everyone else’s, only came up to mid thigh.

“What do you mean, O?” Sophia, the epitome of the ‘rich girl who’s dad sent her to campus purely to network and find upcoming business women and men to poach for the company, and possible future marriage, ran her fingers through her own elegant black hair, The whole sophisticated look falling apart a bit with her classic 34C sized boobs held in the same cow print bikini top and outfit that everyone else wore.

Olivia kept staring at her shoes before Ava, one of the bustiest gals there at a 34D and Chloe, a blonde with her hair cut in a short pixy cut and her own 32D’s ready to pop out of their tops had been chatting together both spoke up. “She means our heights.”

“Wait, are we all the same height?” Jasmine, if there was anyone in the room as quiet and reserved as Olivia, it was the stunning raven haired beauty. When everyone looked to her, she gave an eep, crossing her arms over her 32C’s and doing her best to hide behind Olivia, who was also doing her best to hide behind Jasmine so it was a moot effort at best.

Lily, the only one yet who hadn’t joined the conversation, gave a giggle as she bounced on her toes, making her 36B chest jiggle as she glanced around. “How’d they even find ten girls all the same height on campus who were willing to be guinea pigs anyway?”

“Persistence.” A new voice rang out, drawing the ten cowgirl print outfit coeds attention to a new figure stepping into the room, all but a few feeling their jaws drop open, leaving only those who knew the CEO and COO of FWS by reputation unshocked by the pair’s appearance.

A single woman with four of the largest breasts any of them had ever seen in person, and two heads, one brunette who had just spoken, her hair in a rather wild pair of hair drills, dog eared on either side and draped over their left shoulder, the other falling between her and her other head, a brunette with a single high, tight, severe pony tail, the blonde wearing glasses and having a serious look on her face. The blonde had been the one to speak as they came into the room. “Persistence is everything.”

“Persistence and going with the lowest common denominator.” The brunette head spoke up, not looking up from the tablet their right hand was holding.

“Wait, so we were just the only ten girls who-.” Isabelle started to say.

“Were the same height and applied, yes.” Linda cut her off, tucking a few blonde strands that had come loose . “Now, we’re going to do a combination of things today and-.”

“We’re shooting a commercial!” Denise, the blonde, cut in with her usual high level of enthusiasm. “When we test out our new product on the ten of you, the video of your transformation will be cut together and you’ll each be the faces of our new product to-.”

“IF the test works.” Linda emphasized, looking exasperatedly at her business and body partner. “We’re not even sure we have the ratios right yet, and I really think we should save the taping of the commercial for-.”

“When we’re sure we have it right, I know.” Denise rolled her eyes but her grin stayed as she turned her head slightly and gave Linda a quick kiss. “Stop worrying, I’m sure we’ve got it right, and besides, this way we’re guaranteed genuine reactions from how it’ll work.”

“Yeah it’s not like WE almost popped trying it or anything.” Linda muttered too quietly for the other women in the room to catch and rolled her eyes.

“What WILL the potion be doing?” Ava asked, glancing back and forth between the two heads sharing the sharp business suit and the body inside it.

Linda started to respond before her left hand came up and covered her mouth, surprising the blonde as Denise spoke up instead. “Spoilers! That’d be telling.”

“Ahem.” Linda shot her body partner a look as their left hand fell back to the tablet their right hand was holding. “So, what we’ll do is have the ten of you stand together, shoulder to shoulder, and you’ll get a quick spritz of the new formula. We’ll film both the changes to each of you, along with your reactions.”

“Feel free to go ham and not hold back on those reactions!” Denise added, gesturing to the spray nozzles above a yellow line, the ten girls getting the hint and filing together up to it quickly. “But again, I’d rather have a genuine reaction than something you fake, just act the way you normally act if, you know, some magic spray appeared from nowhere and sprayed and transformed you and your friends.”

“Wait, what?” Sophie blinked, before the sprayers suddenly cut on, giving each of the women a sudden dose of a fine mist.

The ten women blinked as Denise and Linda paid close attention to them, especially their-

“Our boobs.”  Emma was the first to reach up and grab her tits, her once cute little B’s quickly growing through the alphabet and pushing her bikini top to new extremes.

Up and down the line each woman laughed and cheered or looked worried as their breasts grew beyond anything any of the women present ever could have hoped for, beyond anything even the quad breasted Linda and Denise currently supported in their tight, tailored business suit.

From one end of the line to the other, the ten women blushed as their breasts met, side to side, from one end to the other, squeezing together and pushing forward to become a long line of big, sensitive and quivering 20 tits.

Just around the time the breasts growth tapered off, when there wasn’t a single tit smaller than a beachball, more changes started to kick in. Their hips were the next things to grow, their thighs plumping as each woman found themselves growing wider and thicker, soon the girls on the end having to shuffle to the side as the ten women became wider than their shoulders, only stopping when they got as wide as their own tits, with plump thighs to match.

And then the final change kicked in. They felt their ears growing longer and pointed, just like a cow's, migrating a bit higher on their heads. Then, they felt a pressure building in their foreheads as their horns began to sprout. Staying hidden in their hair for the part, each woman watched each other as the cute horns sprouted through their bangs in various sizes and shades, each woman having become similarly built and busty cowgirls.

“This is fucking wild.” Chloe spoke up first in the first thing that wasn’t a moan or a pant.

“We’re cow-girls!” Brianna cheered, using both hands to squeeze her breasts, laughing at how far her fingers sunk into them.

“I’m so busty…” Olivia said quietly, next to Jasmine, the two quiet girls looking at each other briefly before saying together, loudly “WE’RE SO BUSTY!”

This started a cheer that went down the line of the women, each shouting how busty or cow-girl-like they were, and every single one of them looking pretty happy with the transformation.

“Perfect!” Denise cheered along with them, giving a high five to Ava at the end of the row. “The formula worked great and you lot came out gorgeous.”

“Bit heavy on the boobs if you asked me.” Linda noted as she scribbled something on the pad, before tucking the stylus back into its slot.

“I dunno, I think they’re fucking awesome.” Madison on one end gave her right breast a swat, the kinetic energy traveling down the twenty tits to make Ava on the end’s tits give a jump, and making all ten women moan in something close to a moo.

“Did not expect that!” Linda blinked, turning to look at Denise. “I don’t think that was possible, from a physics standpoint.”

“Looked fun though.” Denise agreed, before tucking the tablet under the arm on her side and giving a sharp clap to get the ten girls attention. “Ok, now for stage two of the test. Since stage 1 was such a success, and I loved all your reactions,” Linda nodded in agreement to Denise’s appreciation of the way the ten women handled suddenly becoming busty cowgirls. “We’re moving to the next stage. As some of you are aware of our brand of products and what we offer, I’m sure you’re familiar with our famous-”

“And trademarked.” Linda added, arching an eyebrow at Denise who had been the one to do the trademarking.

“Look.” Denise finished, gesturing to their own ‘double breasted’ business suit. “So if the ten of you wouldn’t mind getting a touch snuggly with the woman on your right, please pair off, 1 and 2 together, 3 and 4 together, and so on.”

The ten women shuffled, trying to sort it out as each woman paired off, odds to their left and even numbered women to their right. Before long, there were five pairs, Madison and Jasmine, Brianna and Isabella, Emma and Sophia, Lily and Chloe, and finally Olivia and Ava, each with an arm around the other’s waist, their breasts fighting for space as their soft, plump hips bumped together.

Before anyone could ask ‘what next’ the sprayers kicked on again, a familiar scent, to Linda and Denise at least, filling the room as the five pairs of women were spritzed.

Quickly the pairs became singles again as each woman’s torso and her partners blended together into a single one, with a massive, plump set of hips, and a double stack of all four of their tits, each woman now sharing her shoulders with her partner.

As they were still stabilizing their new forms, several of the girls, the ones more familiar with Linda and Denise’s FWS brand, quickly arranged their tits having guessed at what was coming, so they were the crosswise, the tit on the left not matching the one on the right, that the duo were famous for, though only one set also got it right that the tit directly under each head actually belonged to the other head, not that it was noticeable with everyone wearing the cow print bikini tops.

In the end, there were five quad busty, two headed, cowgirls standing in a row, each woman looking a bit dazed as they tried to wrap their minds around the shared sensation of being conjoined, and having close to 200 pounds of tit dominating their torso. A few of the pairs had figured out the increased muscle mass that they would need and were admiring buff arms and such, but otherwise seemed pretty pleased with the results.

As were Linda and Denise, each woman grinning ear to ear as they examined the stacked sprays effects, and stacked tits it had given the gals, checking to make sure every girl hadn’t short circuited or something, and each gal showing appreciation at their new look in their own ways, a few of the pairs even trying to awkwardly flirt amongst body partners, each gal a bit flustered in their new physical formats.

“Ok gals.” Linda pipped up once they’d finished checking on each pair, and then at Linda’s insistence, checking again to see if anything had changed for the group after the individual checks. “One last very temporary change for the lot of you for a billboard type thing.”

“And to be sold as desktops for computers, that kind of thing.” Denise added.

“Wait, temporary?” Emma asked, arching an eyebrow. “Have the changes up to now not been?”

“I’m in no rush to split up.” Sophia rubbed her cheek against Emma’s, the blonde blushing at the raven haired beauties' affection.

“M-me either, Soph, was just asking.”

“To answer that, after we get the billboard shot, you’ll all be getting a spritz of enough reversal formula to get you back to where you’re at now.” Denise explained, gesturing to the quad boob, two headed cow girls that were starting to shuffle back to the startling line, having meandered a bit as they sorted out the sensations of sharing a body with another person, and their new combined curves and incredible hourglass shape.

“If you’d like to revert back to separate bodies, or all the way back to where you started if you like.” Linda continued. “We’ll have a reversal booth setup just outside. Of course, if you and your partner get along well enough, we’ll have an extra bonus for anyone who stays paired and cow-y, to be essentially walking advertisements during the upcoming spring break.”

“Could we maybe swap our partners and still get bonuses?” Olivia asked, raising the hand on Ava’s side. “N-not that I don’t think you’re great, Ava, it’s just that…” The brunette cast a pleading look to another pair, specifically to Lily as her and Chloe were trying to adjust their top that had become an X shape as they had tried for the FWS signature look.

“It’s just that we literally started dating like a week ago.” Lily bubbled, grinning at her blushing girlfriend.

“You two are going steady?” Chloe gave an enthusiastic whoop as her body partner, Lily, and the blushing Olivia both nodded, that was quickly echoed by the rest of the group. “Well, I’m sure Ava and I would be happy to swap to being conjoined with each other.”

“Totes. It’s a poly thing, but Chloe and I have been a thing for a bit.”

“W-well.. I mean…” Olivia blushed. “If it’s a poly thing, I’m down to kinda… you know…”

They did, and it was quickly agreed between the four to stay the way they were, to the cheers of the other three pairs.

“Well,” Linda adjusted her glasses. “If that’s sorted, I think we’ll let the other six of you discuss it AFTER the final shoot, since we do pay for the camera people by the hour.”

“Don’t rush on my account.” The three headed camera person waved one of their eight arms as the other seven worked their cameras and adjusted settings.

“Riiiight.” Denise gave them a look, complete with arched eyebrow while Linda blushed with slight embarrassment. “Ok gals, back to the line, and squeeze close.”

“Close?” Jasmine asked, already feeling pretty close with Madison as Braiana and Isabella sidled next to them. “Any closer and we’ll be sharing a-.”

Whatever Jasmine was going to say was lost as a third and final blended spritz hit the five pairs. All ten women gasped as their sides melted together again, though not fully fusing like last time, simply merging the legs and shoulders where they touched, leaving them a single conjoined woman, a little over six women wide, but now each one of the ten gals feeling all twenty tits they shared.

Tits that weren’t done changing apparently. All ten woman moaned and moo’d as they felt their twenty tits grow, but not just in size, but with something else.

“Oh my-!” Emma was the first to figure it out. “We’re filling with MILK!”

All ten women began babbling and chattering amongst themselves as their breasts grew half again larger in size, the fronts of their cow print bikini tops in their two rows of ten tits each, began getting wet, each breast squeezed by the other tits around them as the girls were pulled tight against each other and all of them felt close to something… big.

It was clearly not a form built for function, but simply the shot of twenty tits packed tightly into two rows, leaking milk and bulging from size and the squeeze of the other tits around them.

“Twenty.” Jasmine was the first to speak up. “I can feel all twenty tits. Twenty nipples. Four was so much but… Twenty!”

“How do you feel, girls?” Linda asked, lickign suddenly dry lips.

“We’re so… fucking … enormous!” Brianna felt a hand reach up and tugged her hair, and couldn’t tell if it was her’s.

“So tight… so tight!” Chloe was biting her lip as she gazed down at the top row of tightly packed titties. “I love feeling packed so tight!”

“Feel like we’re gonna pop!” Olivia moaned. “Feels so good.”

“I wanna be milked!” Isabella gave a moan close to a moo. “Is that ok? I need to be milked like a big busty cowgirl!” Later, that line would be used extensively in the marketing.

“Ok, I think we got the shots we needed.” Linda checked with the three headed camera person. Two of the heads nodded while the third was flicking back and forth through photos on two of their cameras, giving a slight nod as well a moment later. “So if you are all ready to-.”

“C-can we have a moment of privacy.” Madison panted, her and her nine body partners all looking flushed. “We, ah, wanna … mmm… give something a test run here.”

Linda and Denise quickly discuss something, and then check with the camera people, before turning to the group of conjoined cow girls.

“How about this? Double the money if you let us film this part.”

“DONE DEAL!” Sophia, the most business minded of the group, shouted before turning her head and making out with Lily conjoined next to her as the other eight women couldn’t wait a moment longer, hands, tits and milk going everywhere, as five sets of bikini bottoms quickly hit the floor.

It was indeed quite the video, if expensive, and an even better advertising campaign, Denise and Linda would later agree, but being able to be there in person where an orgy in one body had shared their first orgasm had been well worth it.



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