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Author's Notes: Contains questionable use of FUSE, a goth babe and her sexy red headed boss getting closer than HR would like, and a questionable title as there is only TWO characters in this chapter (don't worry, coming soon!)


Amber looked at the little pink pill between her black fingernails, and looked back at Jezebel, or Jezi as Amber called her boss, then back to the pill. “This… is FUSE.”

“Um, yeah.” Jezi reached up and rubbed the back of her neck, the short red hairs back there tickling her with her normally long red hair pulled into a bun. It did some… amazing things to her bust, Amber had to admit. Jezi was about 9 years older than the recent college grad, but that hadn’t slowed down Amber’s crush in the slightest. “Look, I know I don’t normally FUSE with you girls and-.”

Amber tried not to bite her lip. She couldn’t FUSE with Jezi, the busty red head would immediately feel just how hot and bothered Amber was. Sure it was kinda fun to be horny and FUSEd, she and her coworkers did it for kicks often enough. The ‘work-use FUSE’ the company had bought left you at whatever ‘setting’ your pussy was at upon FUSE-ing, missing the obvious loophole of what if you went into it horny, and it had become a bit of a game at work to go into a shift as intentionally turned on as you could get, and boy did it sure make shifts go faster.

Anticipating another day like the last however many she’d worked, Amber had spent the entire trip into work thinking over what had been the subject of who knew how many masturbation sessions since she’d first met a certain red head years ago. ‘How the fuck do I explain how turned on I am when we FUSE? Just thinking about sharing a body, sharing a PUSSY with her… and those tits! They look huge today! Fuck I’m getting even wetter just thinking about it!’

“-and Mira called out and no one else is picking up the phone so… yeah. You, me, and a dose of FUSE for the next 10 hour shift. What do you say?”

Amber blinked, hard. How the hell did you respond to your main crush since you knew you were bi offering to spend the rest of the waking day FUSEd?

“Look, I’m know I’m a bit older but-.”

“NO!” Amber interrupted. “I’m into FUSE-ing with older chicks.”


‘Oops!’ Amber mentally smacked her forehead. She had to save this. “Yeah, when the FUSE we have at work starts to get it near it’s expiration date, I usually just take it home and spend all weekend FUSEd with my mom.”

Jezi blinked at her and the pretty, buff goth computed what she’d just blurted out. Face meet palm.

“Ok, wait, two things.” Jezi held up two fingers, putting one down right away, and leaving her middle finger up and directed over her shoulder, where someone was honking in the drive thru. They didn’t open for almost an hour. “First, you still live with your mom?”

“Uh, I love working here Jezi, and I have no intention of quitting, but this place does NOT pay a living wage.”

“Um… yeah… My roommate just moved out and I’ve been debating… finally asking my girlfriend to just move in with me.” Jezi admitted and Amber felt her heart both sink, and sour which was a confusing sensation.

“Oooh, you and the older woman.” Amber teased, loving how the red head blushed.

“Shut up.” Jezi gave a fake swat at the air near Amber. “There’s the same age gap between me and her as there is between me and you. If it’s not weird for me and you to be FUSEd then it should be weird for-.” Jezi suddenly smacked a hand over her mouth.

“FUSEd?” Amber’s grin went a bit bigger. “Ohhhh go on.”

“Well, I… I mean… it’s a small apartment, so most of the time my roommate and I just spend FUSEd anyway… but… you know… if me and… her moved in together… maybe I’d ask for something a bit more…”

“You’re GOING TO PROPOSE!” Amber had slowly raised the volume as she’d said it, until she was literally screaming the last sylabyl. She pumped her fist in the air and she felt more than saw Jezi’s eyes quickly roam across Amber’s chiseled biceps. “Fuck yeah! FUSE that bitch!”

“Welll… I mean…” Jezi screamed through her nose and buried her face in her hands. “Come on Amber… I mean… sure she and I have FUSEd plenty… but making it permanent? She’s even got this daughter I haven’t even met yet, and they’re like SUPER close.”

“Yeah but you’ve been dating for years!” Amber rolled her eyes. “Hell, you started dating right after I was hired, remembered?” Amber pointed to her name tag, where the words ‘years serving you’ were partially rubbed out and she’d changed it to say ‘years served’ at some point. “Most people would have popped the question by now. Besides, her daughter probably already has her own thing going on.”

Jezi just blushed. “Look, I know this is hard to explain but… Well… P.”

P. Short for Poly. Short for Polyarmorus. Short for both the exact best relationship to pair with FUSE, and the worst, as it meant making the triangle not just stable and fair, but share a body too.

“Yeah. Same.” Amber sighed. It had left her single for quite a while as with just one partner, she was a bit too much, and making it work with two people, who didn’t mind sharing, and didn’t mind sharing with each other, and… and usually the whole thing fell apart before she could make it work. “Fuck, I just want to find a pair of women I already like who are already dating and ready to add my crazy to the mix.”

Jezi couldn’t stop the snort of laughter. “Yeah, well, maybe I can introduce you to my girlfriend some time and we could see how you two hit it off.”

Amber’s heart skipped a beep. Jezi was joking right? Yeah, she was smiling, the red head was just joking with her. So Amber decided to joke right back. “I dunno, sounds like she’s old enough to be my mom.” Amber wasn’t kidding, her mom had been younger than Amber was now, by a few years even, when she’d had Amber.

“I thought you liked FUSE-ing with older women.” Jezi teased and Amber felt her own carefully painted goth cheeks grow warm.

“I can’t believe I admitted I FUSE with my mom.” Amber took a deep breath. Was she ready for this? Well, no, but maybe she could say the heightened sex drive was just… them kidding around? Sure. That’d work. Amber popped the FUSE in her mouth and swallowed, opening her arms wide to Jezi. “Ok, let’s FUSE and get this bitch open.”

Amber tried not to think about it too hard. How good it felt as the FUSE infused her body, that loosey goosey feeling as her body got ready to absorb and merge with someone else. The feeling of Jezi’s big, round tits pressing into Amber’s own pleasant and fun D-cups. The even better feeling of their breasts and nipples merging. The idea of pushing her own black lipsticked pair of lips against Jezi’s bright red ones had to be pushed back, not dwelled on… right? The feeling of two sets of thighs and calves of two women who worked on their feet for a living melding together. Their torsos combined as they twisted to face the same way, Jezi sliding into place on Amber’s left. Amber tried VERY hard not to focus on the sensations running through her body as she and her crush merged into one single, very sexy, four armed body, with tits big enough to guarantee the duo would part ways at the end of the shift with a very big tip jar to split…

Which was to say, she was more turned on than she’d ever been going into a shift when her pussy and Jezi’s finally met, merged, and locked her sex drive right where it was going to stay for the next ten hours.

Which made both her and Jezi’s eyes nearly pop out of their side by side heads on their single set of shared shoulders when the baseline established itself at easily twice what Amber had gone into the FUSE-ion with.

“How horny were you?” Amber and Jezi snapped at each other, before smacking both their right hands over their faces.

“Let’s… let’s try to get through today.” Jezi panted, the unspoken ‘without us getting stuck together’ hanging between them. It wasn’t an oft talked about side effect of FUSE, but if you ‘liked’ a form too much, which was to say, have an inordinate amount of orgasms while in it, it became your new permanent form. Great for honeymoons, not so great when you needed to get work done and your sex drive was cranked to full with your crush.

It was excruciating in the best way possible, Amber decided about two hours in. She wanted desperately to sneak off to their car and just ‘seal the deal’ so to speak. But that would have to be another time, as another car pulled up.