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Contains: eGirls doing stuff that only happens in fantasies, goo girls, fusion, mixing twins together, silly online names, misuse of a hottub, magical transportation to a bed after a night of fun that is never explained, grammatical abuse of the English language, and floating boobs.


Bubblegum eGirl Goth twins didn’t quite cover the full length and breath of Julia and Lauren, but it was a good start, Sahara thought to herself. There was also something in there about ‘openly appreciative of the fairer sex’ but then, who didn’t appreciate a good pair of tits on a sexy girl? Sarah should know, her own were a solid F and she would have killed to have a sexy twin to make out with the way Lauren and Julia were. They looked amazing together in the booth five people ahead in line of Sarah, a large banner proclaiming ‘Meet Popular eGirls, Lauren and Julia!’ hanging above the twins.

Instead she just bit her lip, watched the ‘free’ show for as long as she could before it felt like leering, and stepped forward each time a person got or did what they wanted at the booth and moved on. Then finally, it was Sarah’s turn.

“Hi, I’m-.” Sarah wasn’t quite sure why she wanted to introduce herself. A pair of the most popular eGirls online were likely to not remember her ten seconds after she left the booth, but she tried to always treat people like people, and not some pedestal held up fangirling BS that she desperately wanted to do instead, and had just listened/watched nearly a half dozen people do just that.

“YOU’RE I LIKE DESSERTS NOT DESERTS!” One of the pair, Sarah thought it was Julia as she was currently sporting black hair with a red streak across her the front few strands that framed her face, and the twin's InstaPic had someone similar listed as Julia, but it wasn’t unusual for the twins to switch up, or swap around their look, even during a convention when they decided they liked each other’s particular look… or there had also been some tales of… FUSE being involved.

“Uh, heh, yeah, that’s my InstaPic handle.” Sarah felt her pale cheeks go hot, and she was sure were rather red to match. The name had sounded fun and silly, Sahara vs Sarah, after she’d gotten that written on a cup on starbucks, and that had evolved into desserts not deserts and which she preferred. “I’m a big fan of… you… two… too.”

Sarah felt her well rehearsed lines trail off. She’d been reciting in her head for the last … well honestly, the last few DAYS, but it’d been in earnest for the last hour or two. Instead, she watched as the twins put their head together over one of their phones and watched as they tapped together as if they had one brain running all four hands to do… something…

‘Oh gods…’ Sarah realized. ‘They’re looking up my InstaPic.’ “You, uh, don’t have to-.”

“Holy fuck you’re, like, so hot!” Lauren, or so Sarah thought, pushed her pink hair out of the way and looked up at the young curvaceous goth. “I mean, duh, just look at you, but some of these pics are…. Wow!”

The bubblegum of the ‘bubblegum goth twins’ pair, at least for the moment, fanned herself with one hand and Sarah had a hard time not looking at how cute Lauren’s perky boobs looked in the tight, white lingerie she was wearing… and not a stitch more. Which of course drew Sarah’s eyes to her equal and opposite end of the spectrum twin, Julia, and her sexy matching black lingerie that hugged every modest curve the gothic babe had to offer.

“Th-thanks. I mean… I mean you two are so gorgeous too!” Sarah found herself blurting. “I could never-.”

“Oh hush.” Julia gave a flippant wave with one hand. “I’ve been watching your content forever. You fucking rock.”

“Nice of you to-.”

“Believe in yourself!” Lauren shouted, leaping not just to her feet, but standing in the chair her cute perky butt had just been sat in, one finger pointed into the sky. “I believe in you AND your titties!”

Sarah felt like her heart was about to pop out of her titties.

“I think what my twin is trying to say is that we’re looking to put together kind of an eGirl collective for a bit…” Julia tried to tug her pink haired twin back down to earth, though Lauren had switched to pointing to random people walking by and shouting the most ridiculous and wholesome catcalls Sarah had ever heard.

“YOU LOOK LIKE IF YOU WERE BORN IN THE 80S, YOU WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED TO REWIND!” and “YOU LOOK LIKE YOU ALWAYS PUT YOUR SHOPPING CART BACK!” echoing around the hall while Sarah and Julia shared a look, somewhere between embarrassment and endearment. “YOU LOOK LIKE YOU ALWAYS GUESS RIGHT WHEN PLUGGING IN A USB!”

“What kind of collective?” Sarah found herself asking, and instantly gave herself a mental kick for not just leaping at the chance.

“We support each other, tag each other, etc. All our own pages and such stay ours, but opening the door to easy and fun collabs with one another, we split 40/40.” Julia explained. “The extra 20 goes to the company, which me and sis own-.”


“His name is Jacob!” Shouted the rubenesque ren faire looking babe back, her steampunk dressed male escort, possibly husband, tipped his hat to the pink haired twin who was still going, shouting wholesome catcalls at people.

“And the money 100% goes to scheduling shared events. For example, it pays for booths at events where you alone might not make enough to really justify a booth, but say you and another gal get along and wouldn’t mind sharing, poof! Done deal.”

“AND!” Lauren dropped back down into the chair finally. “We’ve got a hot tub in our room, and a whole bottle of FUSE, and an industrial hand mixer to really make a night fun!”

Julia and Sarah stared at Lauren with wide eyes.


“I hadn’t gotten to flirting with her and taking her back to our room tonight.” Julia face-palmed and patiently explained to her twin. “Are you sure the last time we blended, you didn’t end up with a disproportionate amount of our sex drive?”

Rather than answer, Lauren leaned over, her pair hair briefly piling atop her twins black hair before the pair slid into a kiss, Lauren’s hand trailing down her side to gently rub between her twin sister’s leg. “Nope, you feel hot and wet to me.”

“Good thing I love you.” Julia gave her twin one more quick kiss before turning together with her sister to look at the awestruck Sarah. “So how about it? Our room, 9 pm? Bottle of FUSE and a melty good time?”


Sarah bit her lip and brushed her blue dyed hair back out of her eyes. Unlike the twins and their cute ass length hair, her’s was only shoulder length but she had just as much fun on the upkeep and sheer rainbow she loved putting her hair through. She glanced left and right down the hallway and noted she wasn’t the only one walking into one of these suites. While several people looked as nervous as her, she didn’t see a person who wasn’t smiling, her fingers going to her own lips and finding they were matching the joy and excitement she saw on everyone else.

The noises coming from many of the rooms showed just how much fun was being had within too.

Steeling herself, she raised her fist and gave two sharp wraps.

The door was tugged open, and one of the twins, half her hair black with a red streak, the other half pink and bright, blinked at her as they came face to face.

“Oh, uh, hi…” Sarah felt herself trail off as the twin grabbed her by the wrist and tugged her inside, giggling. “I’m… I’m so sorry but I have no idea which twin you are right now.”

“Some fan.” The grin the twin gave her was huge and Sarah felt herself smile back at the gentle teasing. “Annnd to answer your question without being a gregarious biatch, it doesn’t really matter which name you pick at the moment.”


“Nope, we were trying to figure out the right amount of FUSE to be good and goopy tonight, but still be solid for the con tomorrow morning, and sorta…” She wiggled her shoulders and Sarah noted for the first time how the black and white half and half lingerie she was wearing seemed to be fighting a bit more against the seemingly bigger tits held within. “Fused for a bit.”

“Wow.” Sarah found herself setting down. She loved a good dose of FUSE as much as the next gal, and even had a few fusion friends she enjoyed spending a weekend or so with when they had down time together, but the taboo of it being your own twin, and going for a full head fusion too! “How’s it feel being like that?”

“Kinda fun, kinda funky. A good funky.” She rolled her shoulders again. “We can go like full, FULL fusion, but right now it’s like… mentally we’re a conjoined babe with two heads sitting at the steering wheel of our body. We’re mentally on the same page or in the same seat or whatever, but there’s still enough Lauren to have a Lauren thought and Julia to have a Julia thought, but for the most part it’s just a… ‘Me’ thought unless it’s something specific to one or the other.”

“That sounds convenient.” Sarah tried to make it sound nonchalant… or how she wanted to ask if she could try joining in… or that she sat down on the couch to keep herself from just leaping at the ‘pair made single’ and adding herself to that lovely mess.

“Makes having a meeting over quick.” The twins said with one tone, then her expression changed slightly. “Speaking of, I think I just got the mental math done. If you take two doses, and we warm you up a bit, it should be just right to get nice and melty, without like... The three of us still being a puddle tomorrow.”

Sarah realized this was it. Did she dive into a hot tub with the pair of twins, or explain that despite this all being a dream come true, she wanted to be a coward.

She stood up, took a single step over to the twins-made-one, and caressed their cheek. “What’s this ‘we’ you keep saying? Am I going to have to tug on your ears to get you in two separate heads?”

She couldn’t believe how forceful she was in that moment, how good it felt crushing her own large pale tits against the twins’ perky and plumped pair, to feel their hot breath and her’s mingle and be shared, and feel the shiver of excitement run not just through herself, but feeling the tremble in her hand as she cupped the twins’ cheek.

The twins whimpered but stepped out of her reach, their own hands sliding up their body to do what Sarah had offered, tugging their ears and with a light pop, two heads instead of one were visible. Funnily, the one that Sarah mentally labeled as Lauren who’d been pink haired earlier now had black roots visible, and the head for Julia instead of being black with with two fire engine red streaks framing her face, had a slightly softer pink frame and occasional blonde streaks here and there.

The conjoined twins looked to a mirror at their hair and laughed, sharing a quick kiss.

“We mix ourselves up so much it’s hard to tell what belongs to who when we separate.” Lauren explained. “We’re probably both like… 51% ourselves, and 49% each other at this point.”

“No complaints here.” Julia added as she kept pulling and separating, first into two separate torsos for each twin, then stepping away from each other with a slight sucking sound as they once more became two identical twins with different hair colors.

“Or here.” Sarah purred, running her fingers through her own blue hair as the twins stepped back up to her, and she found a hand going around her waist from either side. “But I’m feeling a tad over dressed suddenly next to you two.”

“We can help with that.” The twins whispered together into her ears as their four hands drifted over her body, slowly caressing and squeezing her as they stripped her, and with a little help from her own hands, each other naked.

Soon, all three of them were in the empty hot tub. Despite the lack of water the warmth permeated all three women and Sarah found herself thrilling at the feel of being naked with the skinny pair, her own generous curves rising and falling as she breathed and even squirmed as the twins’ fingers explored her.

Two pink FUSE tablets found their way into her mouth and she gratefully swallowed them even as the twins started to lose cohesion. She’d seen a ‘meltdown’ before, everyone had at least heard of the FUSE SORORITY TAPES that made the rounds every Fall. They consisted of different sororities blending together into huge puddles, sometimes even whole pools, of girly goo.

In a way, meltdowns were a bit safer in their own way than regular use of FUSE, as that always came with the rare possibility that you might just cum too much and get stuck. But when you were a puddle, you didn’t REALLY have a pussy, or a cock, so it was more of an all over constantly delicious feeling rather than a sharp and countable orgasm.

Sarah shook her head gently, trying to let go of her musings on FUSE and focus on the twins, though the pair seemed to be losing focus, or rather, losing cohesion as they melted down on either side of Sarah. Sarah could feel the FUSE working on her own body, making it more malleable, pliable, but she wasn’t quite at the heat level or as permeated with the powerful pills as the twins were… yet.

The twins, or rather, the slowly mixing goo that was them, had taken on a bit of the color of the twins hair itself and Sarah suddenly realized why the pair liked dying their hair, the dye got into the mix too, resulting in a lovely Gothic black and red… Well, not red so much as pink, streaked goo that was sliding down Sarah’s side and gently pulling her leg towards itself, and a pink goo with tiny black stripes doing the same on her other side. An image of herself as blue goo ran through her mind and she bit her lip as she slid her legs open.

The twin goos wasted no time and penetrated her quickly, her warm wet and FUSE infused pussy stretching farther than she thought possible as she moaned loudly, penetrated and filled with the twin goos. The pair swirled inside of her not just mixing with each other but pulling some of Sarah’s pussy along and into them too as they filled her like a creme puff. Soon her tits, her hips, even her ass was filling up with twin goo as she became less and less a person, and more an hourglass shaped goo girl herself.

She stroked and squeezed her body, whispering, or shouting, encouragement to the twin goos that were making love to her, using her own goo to hold them inside of herself until she couldn’t hang on a second longer, and loudly came, releasing both her hold on the twins, and on her own form, splashing down and becoming the blue goo she’d imagined just before.

Soon a pink breast rose up on the blue surface, dotted with a black and red nipple. Then another nine just like it. It took Sarah a second to follow along before she pushed herself around in the girly goo soop, forming hungry blue pussies that opened with tongues to roll out, pink tongue made of Lauren’s goo that Sarah had mentally taken over during their little gooey domme and bratty goo sub session. The pussy lips would swallow up the breasts, before being in turn taken in a black and red wave that would swarm over the pool, just to have a cotton candy pink whirpool spring up and suck the black and red down into itself.

Sarah didn’t want to be left behind with these two experienced players, and quickly pushed her essence into island after island of blue tits in the pink ocean, each topped with black nipples that opened into being pussies themselves with nice red clits. She was shocked when a black wave spread up over one side, but this time across the wave was blue mouths, made from her own blue goo but under Julia’s control, opening wide to suck the titty-pussy islands down beneath the waves.

Shape after crazy, sexy shape would take form, each time the colors were more and more made from not one color, but of two of the three, then all three as things got increasingly confused. Sarah found herself thinking about what her twin was trying to get up to, and feeling surprised when a blue and pink bust rose above the waves like a colossus of Rhodes, though it was simply the gooey head, shoulders without arms, and large blue and black tits. Sarah worked together with her pink and black and blue twin to suck the bust back down as the woman it was made of came loudly at the two women working together.

Finally, after almost an hour, the goo finally settled, a tri-swirl of gooey gal that couldn’t quite tell who was who anymore.

And that’s when the timer kicked on. A mechanical arm lowered what looked like a hand mixer found in many kitchens. The beaters, already spinning, slowly lowered into the gooey mix, and three voices cried out as they were pulled into the beaters to cum and cum again as they were mercilessly mixed and blended together, the goo looking less and less like a tri-color swirl, and more like a single dark pastel purple as the night, and the beaters, went on.


“Holy fuck…” Sarah sat up on the bed, her mind feeling a bit of a jumbled mess.

“Hey, you’re awake!” A cute twin, Sarah had realized while being blended with them how little it mattered to the pair if she couldn’t tell them apart. “You beat sis to the punch on that one.”

Sarah looked from her left to her right and found a slowly rousing identical girl with perky, naked, curves waking up.

“Oh, hey you two. What a night, huh?” She grinned, brushing her fingers through her hair.

Her black, pink and BLUE hair.

Sarah snapped her head around and looked to the other twin, the one who’d already been awake, her eyes going to the pink, black and blue hair she sported.

Then she turned her eyes to the end of the bed. Like most hotel rooms there was a mirror there and she looked to herself, and her now blue, black and pink hair. “Oh… wow.”

“I guess that’s one way to announce our new partnership.” One of the twins said, reaching up and running her fingers through Sarah’s hair.

“She never actually agreed to a partnership, sis.” The other twin gently reminded before turning to look at Sarah and her tri-color hair. “So how about it?”

“If you’re asking if we can mix things up…” Sarah found herself grinning and pulling the twins to her from either side, all three coming together in a hug, her own large tits wobbling as the twins snagged each other in a hug as well. “Then yeah, I’m in. Let’s Mix!”

~Fin, for now.


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