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Amber licked her lips looking at the handsome man’s swim trunks. They’re just packed so full! She thought to herself. Some of the biggest men Amber had ever scored since breaking the seven-foot mark had gigantic dicks that reached to their knees. Others had massive balls that could nearly drown her in cum. From what Amber could tell from the stretched material, this young man could put them all to shame.

And speaking of shame it would be a shame to let a dick like that get away from her.

Amber stood to her full height, a proud 9’7”, not the tallest here, there were a few 20 footers around, and even one or two giantess girls she could see swimming out to sea. It was hard to tell this far off. No, what she had going for it that so few men could resist was breasts that looked like she’d managed to weld two beach balls to her chest. They were perfectly round, insanely firm and tight, and best of all, overflowing with milk. She could feel the milk dribbling down the front of her huge orbs. Other women hit with the lactation tended to try and downplay it, whereas Amber did her best to show off that she was filled with sweet cream.

He glanced up to the tall woman, and she grinned to herself when his jaw swung open at the sight of her.

“Hey babe." Amber put a hand on her hip, hitching it just right to really show off that her ass and hips were nothing to forget either. Plenty to hang on to as he thrust that huge dick into her and bounced those mega cum filled balls against her puss as he took her from behind.

Or would she treat him, and ride on top? She let her smirk show as he blushed.

“So do I give you a cheesy line, or shall we just fuck right here?” Amber confidently purred out, her light French accent spilling out. It was surprising to here for most, her clearly Native American features giving most an idea of what she must sound like, but as her two toned, platinum blonde hair and raven black roots showed, she didn’t give a flying fuck about other people’s expectations.


She knew he meant it as a clarifying question but couldn’t help but gently tease the man. “Oooh, a challenge. Hmmm... let’s see...”

She put on a cutesy pose and reached up with both hands to pull her hair into twin puppy dog ear ponytails on either side of her head. “Oh Mister.” She added a cutesy tone to her voice, bumping it into a higher register, rather than the much lower one she used to hit on prospective partners. “Would you please help me put on some suntan lotion? But please be careful, mister, my skin is just soooo sensitive to the touch of a man.” She gave a cute giggle that slid nicely into her normal laugh, a laugh that was deep enough it shook even her huge tits.

Amber kept a careful, calculating eye on her catch of the day, watching where his eyes roamed and focused on her, grinning as they slid over her large tits, knowing those alone would reduce most men to puddles with steel pikes for rods.

What surprised her was how much his eyes lingered on her arms. When her breasts had really started to blossom, outgrowing in proportion even her own towering height, a lovely doctor had suggested she get into strength training to build her back muscles to handle the massive boobs that otherwise would have her pinned to the sand. The result had been a powerful back and arms that she could do pushups while doing handstands... One handed. Either hand. She’d been in a competition or two, her competitive nature enjoying showing up strong mini giantess one after the other, the judges admiring her muscles but also taken with her incredible looks, pretty face, and massive tits that few of the other women there could boast of.

She’d never really thought of the muscles themselves as a sexual feature, but with the way his eyes lingered on her bulging biceps, and then her fit, well-muscled thighs, thighs that can, and had, crushed more than a few objects on her OnlyFans, she suddenly felt like she’d hit the jackpot with this man even more than when she had seen that bulge before.

If only he spoke French too. She mused to herself. Acting on a sudden hope, she leaned forward, her heavy orbs nearly pulling her from her feet, and stage whispered to him. “Quelle est la taille de ta bite?”

The instant blush set her heart ablaze. He knew French!

As Amber got ready to curl up to this man and ask him how many kids he wanted, he heard a loud “AHEM!” from just behind her and to her left. Turning to look over her shoulder, she felt her eyes dilate, but tried to keep her shock otherwise under control.

“La taille de sa popol n'est que l'affaire de sa petite amie, tu ne trouves pas??” A blonde woman with accented French Amber didn’t at once place... no wait, Cajun, strutted up to the pair, patting her hair dry and letting it fall into heavy blonde tresses. She was equally the match to Amber’s own height stood with her hands on her hips. Hips that Amber noted would easily match her own, and if those two boulders she suspected were actually the blonde’s tits were what they appeared at first glance, were just a bit smaller than her own, the only category the blonde didn’t match or exceed Amber in.

And a glance at her arms sent a shiver down Amber’s spine. Was this woman actually stronger than her? How? Amber worked out 6 hours a day!

“Hey, speak English you two.” Said another woman, fully pulling Amber around, and giving the man she’d been hoping to conquer a full view of her incredible ass and boobs so big he could see them from behind. Standing a little further back and clearly walking out of the ocean, water still dreaming down the deeply tan figure, plastering her long black hair to her incredible curves. If the blonde had been the match for Amber in all departments, exceeding her only in muscle, this woman strutted with much the same, her ass now being what was in excess of Amber. The only trump card she had was her tits. “H̄rụ̄x ca reìm khuy p̣hās̄ʹā thịy Mi-rænd̂ā dī?”

The sudden language shift knocked Amber for a loop, and a glance at the other blonde let Amber know she was equally as flummoxed.

“Judy, please speak a language we understand.” The blonde gave her .... Amber wasn’t sure. Companion? a pained look.

“Only if you do too, Miranda!” Amber caught the accented name of the blonde, and recognized it’d been said before when ‘Judy’ had said whatever it was.

Miranda rolled her eyes and refocused on Amber. “I was telling this bitch to back off my man if she didn’t want to eat sand.”

“Excuse you.” Amber didn’t fancy what she was thinking was shaping up to be a two on one fight, with her as the one, but wasn’t about to back out without a little show, something to make the man think of her tonight. “This bitch is named Amber, and I didn’t see your name written on him anywhere.”

When the blonde’s jaw dropped open, Amber stepped tit to tit to Miranda, and drove the point home. “And I had such a thorough look, too.”

“And what’s this ‘your’ man bullshit?” Judy stepped up from the side, knocking the two blondes back a half step, resulting in a triangle of tits as each woman partly faced the other. “The next pussy wrapped around his cock is going to have my head at the other end of it.”

“That’s what you think, BITCH!” Miranda emphasized her words with a shove with her own firm tits, the moment happening in slow motion to Amber, the other women’s breasts barely compacting with the impact before Judy was sent sprawling.

Not wanting to waste the opening, Amber quickly met Miranda with a ‘tit uppercut’, thrusting her breasts first down, then up while stepping towards the other blonde, sending the other woman back a step and her eyes spinning. Amber had to marvel at what it felt like mashing her own impossibly dense tits against the other woman’s, neither women having much give, but refusing to give any ground to each other before the women attached bounced away from each other.

Amber was about to give a quick verbal jab when something fast and dark slammed into her from the side, both her and the tackling Judy falling to the sand.

The two women grappled, squeezing each other's breasts between them as they hugged each other’s shoulders tighter and harder than either woman thought anyone could do to them. Amber moaned, feeling the brunette’s tight, dense nipples digging into her own tits and arched her own back to drive her own back into Judy’s to give as good as she got. She bit her lip as she looked into the other powerful build women’s eyes, especially when Judy slid a thigh between Amber’s, her powerful muscles forcing Amber’s legs apart, and she felt her pussy against the brunette's muscular tree trunk of a leg, one of Judy’s pulsing veins grinding right against Amber’s clit.

Amber bit her lip and looked deep into Judy’s brown eyes, her own silver ones dancing in passion. A brief thought of regret passed through her mind as she squeezed Judy even tighter against her. “It’s a shame I met him first. If I met you first, it'd be you I’d take to my hotel room tonight.”

“Nope.” Judy said through gritted teeth, squeezing as good as she could. “Well, maybe. I’m Mira’s girlfriend too, you’d still be fighting her at least.”

“Wait.” Amber loosened her grip just a smidge, feeling Judy do the same. “You’re Bi too?”

“And Poly!” Judy added.

Her mouth was opened to say something else when the previously mentioned blonde suddenly hefted both women up at once and threw them both in separate directions. Judy splashed hard into the water, Amber landing just next to the huge dicked man that had grabbed her attention and started this all from the start.

She blinked and took a quick stock of herself. She wasn’t sure at what point, probably when her and Judy had been grinding their legs together, but her sarong had been torn off. Looking up she saw Judy charging out of the water with a roar, both breasts bouncing free of their earlier prison, which had slid between her massive tits.

Mira was the only one of them that hadn’t suffered an equipment failure. Well, that just couldn’t stand.

“Just a moment, lover, got to show these two who’s boss.” Amber flashed the man a grin, noting that at some point his swim trunks had simply given up the fight and she briefly gasped at the sight of his dick.

It was thicker than his legs, with balls nearly as big as her tits! When had.... Cum! He was filling with cum!

“Keep that hard for me, lover!” Amber blew him a kiss before flinging herself out of the sand and directly at the blonde who’d so easily tossed her a moment ago.

Judy slammed into Mira who had been trying to split her attention between both charging women and instead did not predict either of them fully. As Judy hit Mira high, Amber dropped and went low, legs out, scissoring them shut around and catching a leg of each gal in her own.

All three went down in a tangle of legs. Taking a moment to sit back up, the three looked down, having to twist their torsos a bit to even see their hips, to realize the extent of their tangle. They were trapped in a three-way scissor hold, with each woman’s left leg tied up in a big knot with the woman to her left’s right leg, and firmly had her right foot, toes first, against the woman to her right’s crotch.

Briefly the trio struggled to untie themselves, but still keeping her advantage over the other two of the hold meant none of them were getting anywhere. Spotting an open, Judy full on clocked Mira with a haymaker, only to have Amber swing her tits around at full speed and smash her own naked boobs, milk spraying from her nipples all over both of the other two women.

At first, Amber thought it was just her milk. She hadn’t met many other babes with milkers like hers, after all. But could it be that Judy was lactating too?

With Mira still a bit dazed from the punch, she couldn’t stop Amber’s grabbing hand that got into the keyhole gap of her swimsuit, nor Judy’s a moment later. Together, the blonde and brunette tugged in opposite directions, ripping Mira’s swimsuit in half and popping her own big, milky breasts, the palest of the three, out into the open warm beach air.

Together, Judy and Amber tit-slammed Mira from either side, milk spraying from all six nipples at the impact, thoroughly coating all of them.

As the battle continued, hair was pulled, the rest of the bathing suits were torn off, and rather than loosen, their knotted legs only pulled together as they got slicker.

“he's.... mine!” Judy growled out, getting an arm around both women’s waist and pulling them both tighter to her and her firm tits.

“I saw him first!” Amber growled. She would later wonder why she thought this was an argument in her favor. Clearly, both of the other women had known the man prior to her rocking up. Instead of focusing on that, she grabbed an arm each of the galls and pulled them both towards her, her larger breasts thrust forward and against the other two’s milk slickened tits.

“You dumb, horny bitches, you can’t-” Whatever Mira was going to say next was lost as she squeezed her legs tighter in the knot, her own arms hooked through the other two pulling all three of them closer.

Tighter and tighter the three women seemed to grow, closer and closer together, as close as three women could physically get. And then they went beyond that. It felt to Amber like her body had become one giant muscle, knotted and flexed together with more muscles, she focused on that corded feeling of flexed muscles she shared that extended beyond her, letting her mind flow and entwine the other two women.

Then she was even more than herself. She could feel hands caress her suddenly free thighs, her hands? She could feel her lips meet Judy's in a sudden, fierce kiss, but could also feel Judy‘s lips as well. Finger tips traced down the side of one heavenly large and plump breast. She could feel the other two women’s touches on her skin, and she could feel the fingers doing the touching. She felt perfect, like the pinnacle of muscular womanhood, a tri-fold goddess made flesh and muscle.

Amber wasn't quite sure if she was controlling the powerfully ripped arms and insanely built legs she could feel as they gently explored themselves, but it didn't matter, since they were all working towards the same purpose; to grant her and Mira and Judy the greatest pleasure possible. The divine sense of pleasure and pressure grew and grew, finally exploding behind Amber and her companions eyes like a midsummer's firework festival’s grand finale, lighting up all three of their minds with the brightness.

Panting from the experience, the trio rose to their full height and took stock of what had happened to them.

As far as Amber could tell, judging from the dune she’d come around when all of this had started as a judge, the thing barely coming to their hip now, the trio had merged their bodies, adding their attributes together and making them a single giantess of a woman.

Over 20 feet tall, they towered over everyone at the beach. A gentle caress of their breasts, and Amber could tell they had Miranda’s wider areola with her own wonderfully sensitive crinkle around the edge, topped with Judy’s perky, tight nipples. And speaking of tight, the slight gurgle she felt in their breasts let Amber know their milk production had combined as well, and even tits bigger than any man on the beach couldn’t keep up, leaving them with constantly leaking tits, rivers of the creme running down the front of their breasts.

Flexing arms that would have made any of the three of them blush, Amber could feel Mira gasp in shock at just how powerful her muscles had become, adding Amber’s and Judy's to them. Judy herself seemed more preoccupied with their incredible legs and abs that you could grate cheese on. Amber cooed as she felt theirpussy spasm, the whole thing one long tube of muscles inside them, coated in velvety, slick, hungry pussy.

And speaking of hunger...

The trio turned their attention on the man who had been at the center point of their fight, all three of them gasping in shock, taking a half step back. Their catfight and subsequent new form upon reaching a three-way tie had driven the young man to his own new heights. A dick rose up from his crotch that looked so thick, so massive, that even at their new size, Amber wondered if they were big enough to handle it.

The dick rose from the man’s hips, huge and majestic, the head of the cock bigger than any one of the trio’s heads, at its thickest spot the dick was thicker than their ankles, and if they fully let it thrust home, Amber knew it would be tickling their ribs with its length.

“So... so big... those balls.” Mira panted.

“Mmmm... yeah.” Judy agreed, and Amber focused her attention on them. They were nearly twice the size as her breasts had been before joining the other two, and given the ripples across the surface, appeared to be slam full of baby batter. “Gotta get that cum!”

And with a lunge, they were on him.


“So...” Amber flexed their left arm, marveling a bit about just how massive their muscles were on that size, their bicep alone raising higher than their heads. “How long will this be a thing?”

“The muscles?” Mira nuzzled into her hair, giving her soft kisses just behind her ear in a way so very few lovers could.

“Yeah, the muscles, Mira.” Judy rolled her eyes before planting a kiss on Amber’s soft lips. “Hope you like sharing a body with a silly blonde.”

“About as much as you enjoy sharing one with TWO silly blondes.” Amber teased back, before blinking. “Wait, what do you mean by that?”

“I mean I have no idea how long this lasts. This isn’t one of your mutations?” Judy answered, a pensive look flashing through her eyes.

“I think we might be stuck, girls...” Mira bit her lip just as Amber’s head swung around to look at her.

“Wait... no... you’re kidding....” Amber had an image pass through her mind, all her plans for the rest of vacation... Hell, how could she go back to work... but then... another image slid into place... that of her new look, and new partners being there with her.... Going clubbing like this... Finding nice public places to fuck in like they just had.... Mister Big Dick pounding so hard and stretching their shared pussy so well... and as for a career, she bet if they got a good couple of cameras and just... “Wait, why are you laughing?”

“Sorry, sorry.” Judy shrugged.

“We just felt your anxiety at first, and then we both started getting horny and kinda guessed where you were going with the thought.”

“I knew you were kidding.” Amber scrunched her nose up, swinging her head around to look at Judy, then Mira.

“You so did not.”

“I so did.”

“Prove it.” Judy arched a well-groomed eyebrow at her.

“Well, for one, neither of you acted that surprised when we first merged.” Amber was about to tick off her points on her fingers, as was her tendency, but between the newly inflated boobs and the massive muscles dominating her arms, she couldn’t actually touch her hands together. She wasn’t even sure they could reach their nipples. “Two, and this is the biggest tale, our lover boy looked like he’d been waiting for something, and when we merged, rolled back and had his dick up and ready like this was a dream come true. Three, we pounced him like you two knew this was going to happen and had just been waiting for this moment.”

“All true.” Judy stifled a yawn. “It’ll last about as long as lover boy keeps us stuffed with cum.”

“So as long as we keep ourselves filled with dick, this could be a permanent thing?” Amber proposed, a hopeful look in her eyes. Mira giggled and Judy gave a snorting laugh.

“Hate to disappoint, but he is only one man.” Mira gestured to the massive dick trapped down his leg. They’d really, finally emptied those balls. “By the time he wakes up, he’ll be hungry first and horny second.”

“And to answer your first question, yeah, we’ll probably have finished metabolizing his cum by then and have gone our ‘separate ways’ so to speak.” Judy added.

“Good to know.” Amber tried to get a guess on how early into the evening it was. The sun had gone down, but she wasn’t 100 percent sure how long ago that had happened. Letting go of the thought she let her mind drift to their body. Judy was flexing a powerful arm up on her side and giving soft kisses to the bicep. Next to Amber, Mira was absently playing with their legs, rubbing their thighs together. Amber herself let their right hand caress the side of one huge breast, jutting up to the sky.

With a combined height of somewhere just shy of thirty feet, Amber knew they were probably the tallest on the entire beach, but their combined breasts were taller than most women, certainly taller than she’d been this morning, meaning she finally had hit a life goal of more boob than most women had bodies, and she had these two lovely ladies, and one very lucky man’s dick, to thank.

Letting her mind wander, she looked up at the sky and just basked in the glow of muscle, tits and height that surrounded them, and thanked the stars she’d met her new friends.



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